Screening can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, UAE doctors say
Abu Dhabi: A simple screening can prevent or reduce the severity of colorectal cancer, one of the most deadly cancers in the United Arab Emirates.
Colon endoscopy or stool examination is a simple and effective means for detecting and treating colorectal or intestinal cancer, accounting for 12% of all cancer deaths in UAE in 2017. I did. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (CCAD) said these: A simple check for cancer that affects many people who have no history of smoking or family illness.
“What we really want everyone to understand is that colorectal cancer can affect us all and no one is protected. But the good news is colon endoscopy. It can be easily prevented by simple, safe and rapid examinations such as endoscopy and stool examination. Unfortunately, many cases of colorectal cancer seen in CCAD do not smoke and have a family history of the disease. It occurs in healthy young men and women who do not have a disease. Most of these cases can be prevented by proper screening, “said Dr. Ammar Kheir, a gastrointestinal disease specialist at CCAD.
Counseling service
Although certain risk factors such as age and family history cannot be controlled, there are many lifestyle factors that can reduce the risk of developing the disease. Screening for colorectal cancer, although quitting smoking, becoming physically active, eating fiber-rich foods, and reducing lean meat have all been shown to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. It does not replace the need for. For people with a family history of illness, CCAD provides genetic counseling services that can help them quantify and manage genetic factors that may increase their chances of developing the disease. It also provides individual risk assessments and individual recommendations regarding when and how often to start screening.
Advances in detection and treatment, coupled with increased awareness, have led to a steady reduction in the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in people over 50 years of the world. However, doctors are concerned that the incidence of illness in young adults has increased over the last two decades. Due to the global health system disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, doctors fear that much of the recent progress in the fight against colorectal cancer could be lost.
Colorectal cancer is often asymptomatic, so regular screening is especially important if it is detected in the early stages when 90% of cases can be cured. Late symptoms of the disease include bloody stools, changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea), abdominal discomfort or pain, and unexplained weight loss.
Message to the community
“This is my message to the community — when it comes to colorectal cancer, we are all at risk, but it’s easy to prevent. Come to us and do regular screening. Avoid smoking, observe stools for the presence of blood, stay active, eat more fiber, and follow your doctor’s recommendations for screening. Screening for colonoscopy can save your life. It’s a quick, safe and painless procedure that can be done, “Dr. Kheir said.
In the United Arab Emirates, doctors recommend that both men and women begin regular screening for colon cancer at the age of 40. People at high risk should start screening at a young age. If you experience any symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible, regardless of age.
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