Authorities urge people not to forge Covid-19 vaccine cards
But elsewhere, businesses, venues, and events are increasingly offering special access and treats to those who can show this proof, if not complete, that require proof of service. I will.
But at this point, in many countries, the CDC card may be the only record that businesses can see on the fly.
Why people tend to forge cards
Not everyone wants to be vaccinated. When combined with the desire to keep up with the growing documentary requirements of society as it opens up, the temptation to forge them begins to emerge.
Legal implications can be serious
The FBI said in a warning that crimes related to the creation or use of fake vaccination record cards included fraudulent use of government seals.
According to the District Attorney’s Office, he was charged with felony charges such as forgery of government seals and theft of personal information from Pfizer, CVS and CDC.
Counterfeiters can lose their jobs or be thrown out of campus
And can endanger yourself and others
Dr. Michael Mina, assistant professor of epidemiology and immunology at Harvard School of Public Health, was reserved for unvaccinated people using fake vaccination cards. Access to a business, venue, or workplace poses at least some risk to both groups, he said. ..
— Risks to vaccinated people: In general, the risk to vaccinated people will be low in many places. There are some important notes.
Second, the risk of vaccinated older people may increase over time, as the immune system of older people generally tends to deteriorate in maintaining protective immunity, Mina said. He said.
No one yet knows how long Covid-19 immunity will last across age groups. However, Mina said the following scenarios could be dangerous. Unvaccinated people who use fake vaccination records to access or work in nursing homes. “Even if everyone else in the area is vaccinated, there may be vulnerable people with weakened immunity or poor vaccination,” Mina said. I got it.
— Risks for unvaccinated people: If all other participants are vaccinated, one unvaccinated counterfeiter is less likely to get sick.
But, again, vaccination does not guarantee that the person being vaccinated will not be able to carry a small amount of the virus. And we’re talking again about places where people may not be socially separated.
“If you haven’t been vaccinated, you don’t want to be next to someone who has been vaccinated and positive,” Mina said.
For both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, the appearance of multiple counterfeiters increases the risk.
“If too many people are doing it, there is no safe place anymore,” Mina said.
About vaccine passport
“I think many of these initiatives are just getting off to a good start and are still under development. When they come online, I think we’re all learning about them in real time,” she said.
The true CDC Covid-19 vaccination record card is still important-one consistent record of someone vaccinated, Kurilo said.
And since not everyone has a cell phone, other offline methods such as making sure that those cards, or printed pre-verified vaccination passports, are available are fair. She said it would be important in the future to secure.
CNN’s Sarah Moon, Brian Fung, and Samantha Murphy Kelly contributed to this report.
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