Can COVID-19 lead to erectile dysfunction?
Last year i wrote about Panny is a ridiculous murdererLike, it has done a huge number in the sex life of many people. But new research increases the likelihood that COVID-19 will literally kill your ridiculous person. COVID-19 may also act on blood vessels in the penis, based on a small study at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Erectile dysfunction (ED).The· Survey results Appeared online World Journal of Men’s Health Last Friday — but for now, there are some pretty big warnings that prevent us from saying that COVID-19 actually causes ED.
Why did the researchers decide to explore the relationship between COVID-19 and ED in the first place?As they explained in their paper, it is believed that COVID-19 no longer causes the inner layer of blood vessels known as the endothelium to function as it is supposed to, as explained by some scientists. Say you can Widespread effect of COVID-19..The tissue of the penis that causes the erection turned out to be “rich in endothelium-lined blood vessels” — remember that it is functioning properly Blood vessels are essential for an erection, Fills up to make you difficult. All of this raises the question: Can COVID-19 cause havoc in the endothelium of the penis and contribute to ED?
Researchers to find out Examining the penile tissue of 4 people between the ages of 65 and 71 According to EurekAlert, people with ED who have had surgery to insert a penile implant. I had one Mild COVID-19 Symptoms 8 months before the procedure, Yahoo! According to the news, the other was hospitalized with a complication of COVID-19 six months ago. The remaining two participants had no history of the disease prior to surgery.
Lamasami and his team looked for signs of both the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to EulekAlert, and the reduced endothelial function that it is believed to cause. As expected, they detected the virus in the penile tissue of participants who obtained COVID-19, but not in those who did not.
The researchers also said that people infected with COVID-19 showed signs of endothelial dysfunction, but participants not infected with COVID-19 did not. They believe that COVID-19 causes endothelial dysfunction, which in turn can cause ED.
“This suggests that men with COVID-19 infection should be aware that erectile dysfunction may be a side effect of the virus and should see a doctor if they develop ED symptoms. “We do,” said Ranjit Rama Sammy, research author, associate professor, and director. A member of the Reproductive Urology Program at Miller School told Eulek Alert.
However, these results need to be interpreted in the light of some important warnings. First, as the researchers themselves pointed out in their papers, they saw only a total of four people. They are also older and make sense given that ED is associated with aging, but it also prevents us from generalizing our findings to a wider population. (((Young people with penis can also get ED.. )
Researchers also did not objectively test whether participants already had ED before getting COVID-19, so they conclude whether COVID-19 could lead to ED. Said it was even more difficult. Lamasami told Eurek Alert that his team “discovered that a man who had not previously complained of erectile dysfunction developed a fairly severe erectile dysfunction after the onset of COVID-19 infection.” Diagnostic tests will do so.
Basically, at this time, we don’t know if COVID-19 can cause ED. Also, it is not certain until scientists carry out larger and more rigorous research. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, keep in mind that it may be another item in the long list of reasons for vaccination.
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