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A teenager dies from a stuffy nose on a school trip

A teenager dies from a stuffy nose on a school trip


A teenager who died of sepsis on a school trip to New York may have been saved by antibiotics, a British inquest said.

Anna Uglow, 17, was sentenced to collapse in a hotel room and died at Mount Sinai West Hospital on December 19, 2019.

Avon Coroners Court in Bristol heard that Anna, the senior president of Bristol Grammar School, who was eager to attend Oxford University, was on a school history trip to Washington, Philadelphia, and New York at the time.

Her parents, David and Natalia Agrow, thought Anna had a breast infection and asked her to see a doctor two days before her death, which was “rejected.” Said to the teacher.

However, the teacher insisted that Anna was tired and only complained of a stuffy nose and did not seek medical attention directly.

A report by the Chief Inspector of the City of New York concluded that Anna in Redland, Bristol, died of sepsis, a combination of bronchopneumonia and an upper respiratory tract infection.

Ana Uglow, 17, from Bristol, died on a school trip to New York.

Ana Uglow, 17, from Bristol, died on a school trip to New York.

Dr. Chris Dunbury, an intensive care medicine consultant, said Anna was described as “a healthy and healthy woman with no past medical history” before she died.

“I think she was infected. She had sepsis on December 18th and may have had septic shock at some point on December 19th,” said Dr. Danbury.

“Healthy, young and healthy people generally provide adequate compensation until they enter cardiac arrest.

“In my experience, the overwhelming majority of people will survive if they can start some treatment before cardiac arrest.”

“I think she was very curable by the time she had a cardiac arrest,” he added later.

“I don’t have the energy to walk”

Anna was absent from school for two days before her trip due to cold-like symptoms, but felt better and left Bristol for Washington on early December 14.

The next day, Anna told her mother Natalia Uglow that she was “exhausted” and toured Washington with fellow students and teachers Rory Hambury and Ellis Claire.

On December 16, Anna “did not have the energy to walk,” Mrs. Uglow said, asking her to stay at the hotel while the group went to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

They traveled by train from Washington to Philadelphia on December 17, and Anna called her mother during the trip, worried that she had a chest infection, much worse, fever and cough. I told you that.

The teacher was

The teacher was “interested in seeing the sights rather than getting the help of the students,” the cross-examination said.

Mrs. Uglow told her daughter, who felt “shortness of breath” and complained that she could not keep up with the group while walking, to talk to her teacher and see a doctor.

“She told her that if Mr. Hambury had a chest infection, he would get hotter and advised him to take paracetamol,” she said.

“It was also said that he advised a Philadelphia pharmacist to get a stronger drug and take him to a doctor if he felt sick in New York.”

Mr Hambury submitted evidence on Monday, saying Anna complained of fatigue and stuffy nose in the days before her death.

On a train trip on December 17, Hambury asked, “What if I feel sick in New York, what would happen to go to the doctor?” But said he didn’t seek direct medical attention.

He claimed to have told Anna that he could see a doctor if so, and suggested that she take paracetamol.

Hambury advised Anna to buy decongestants and cough syrup from a New York pharmacy on the night of December 17th.

“9 minutes is a very long time”

“If Anna had been treated with antibiotics on December 17th or 18th, I don’t think she would have had cardiac arrest on the morning of December 19th,” Dr. Danbury said in a report to the Inquest. writing.

Dr. Danbury said Anna believed she had been infected by December 17 and “probably met the criteria for sepsis” on December 18.

If the antibiotic had been prescribed on December 18, Anna would have awakened in a “rough mood” the next day, but he said she wasn’t in the “extreme state” she was in.

“In my view, the oral antibiotics on the 18th would have been enough to slow the progression of the disease,” said Dr. Danbury.

The cause of death hearing said Anna would not have suffered from cardiac arrest if she had been prescribed antibiotics in the days prior to her death.

The cause of death hearing said Anna would not have suffered from cardiac arrest if she had been prescribed antibiotics in the days prior to her death.

Dr. Danbury said the question of going to a doctor was raised with her teacher in an inquest that she believed she probably had a chest infection on December 17.

He wants someone of Anna’s age to “keep up with their peers at any cost” and she “escapes” from group activities to see a doctor. I said it would be unusual.

“Young people, 16 or 17, are otherwise healthy and healthy. If you suddenly say,’I want to see a doctor,’ I think you should see a doctor,” said Dr. Danbury. It was.

“I think we should pay attention to their desire to see a doctor at that point.”

On December 18, Anna asked her mother if she was ill overnight and could stay in the hotel room, but said, “I couldn’t leave her alone, so they took her on a walking tour. I forced him to go. ”

Anna’s vomiting overnight was “a sign of the progression of her infection,” Dr. Danbury told the inquest.

She took a walking tour before shopping with her friends and was seen coughing and nauseating the bottle during the Empire State Building tour that night.

According to Dr. Danbury, around 6 am on December 19, Mr. Hambury said he was feeling sick, his heart was beating, he was anxious, and he had difficulty sleeping, with symptoms “consistent with the onset of septic shock.” Indicated.

Mr. Hambury suggested taking paracetamol and going back to bed to sleep, but an hour later, a friend came and said he was sick at around 7:30 am.

He went to her room, where he saw her suffering from a nosebleed. At 8:15 am when Anna fell, the teacher called the paramedics and she was taken to the hospital.

“Time is absolutely important when we get into that situation,” said Dr. Danbury.

“She was in cardiac arrest for nine minutes before they (emergency crew) arrived to evaluate her. The time of the evaluation was 8:26 am.

“The 9-minute cardiac arrest due to septic shock is a very long time.”

The hearing continues.

This article was originally published Sun Reproduced with permission

Initially published as follows A teenager dies from a stuffy nose on a school trip


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