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COVID Wuhan Lab Leak Theory “Don’t Exclude”

COVID Wuhan Lab Leak Theory “Don’t Exclude”


Conceptual paper illustration of human hand and coronavirus in the laboratory. Flat lay top down composition on green background.

The theory that COVID-19 came from a leak from the Wuhan Institute “should not be ruled out,” said a team of experts. (Getty)

The origin of the coronavirus is still unknown, and the theory that it was caused by a laboratory leak in the Chinese city of Wuhan should not be ruled out, said a major group of scientists.

In a letter to Science Eighteen experts, including Ravindra Gupta, a clinical microbiologist at the University of Cambridge, and Jesse Bloom, who is studying viral evolution at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, need to be published in the journal to explore the possibility of rigorous data-driven research. Said there is. Prove that it is wrong.

Introduced in China in late 2019, COVID-19 killed 3.34 million people worldwide, lost trillions of pounds of income worldwide, and ruined the normal lives of billions.

“Further investigation is needed to determine the cause of the pandemic,” the group said. In an open letter to science..

“Theories of both accidental release from the laboratory and the spillover effect of zoonotic diseases remain viable.”

The author of the letter, including David Lerman, a professor of microbiology at Stanford University, said: World Health Organization (WHO) survey on the origin of the virus It did not make a “balanced consideration” of the theory that it might have come from a laboratory case.

In a final report written in collaboration with Chinese scientists, a WHO-led team spent four weeks in and around Wuhan in January and February said the virus was probably human from a bat through another animal. Said he was infected with. “Very unlikely” due to a lab leak..

However, there are countless different ideas about the origin of the virus, including a series of conspiracy theories.

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“Until we have enough data, we must take the hypothesis about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously,” scientists said, requiring an intellectually rigorous and calm investigation. He added that there is.

“At this time of unfortunate anti-Asian sentiment in some countries, at the beginning of the pandemic, it was Chinese doctors, scientists, journalists, and citizens who shared important information about the spread of the virus with the world. Please note that it costs a lot of personal money. “

China has always rejected allegations that the colonavirus occurred in the lab, and Wuhan states that the first cluster of cases was detected, but not necessarily where the virus occurred. ..

The state media has a virus May have arrived in Wuhan by importing frozen foods..

Former US President Donald Trump said in April last year he saw evidence that it came from a Chinese laboratory.

However, health experts and intelligence agencies have previously stated that COVID-19 is likely to occur naturally rather than artificially.

Watch: What is Long COVID?

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