For every 1,000 extra steps taken daily by the elderly, the risk of death is reduced by 28%
Older people can reduce their risk of death by up to 28% for every 1,000 steps added each day, according to a new study.
University expert North Carolina Chapel Hill studied gait patterns and habits in 16,732 women over the age of 60 between 2011 and 2015.
All volunteers wore step counters and reported on their daily activities. The team then followed up on women in 2019 to track deaths from all causes.
Research participants who took more steps with shorter spurts lived longer, but the overall benefit of increasing the steps leveled off at about 4,500 per day.
The initial increase of 1,000 steps per day was associated with a 28% reduction in deaths during the follow-up period compared to the absence of daily steps.
Older people can reduce their risk of death by up to 28% for every 1,000 steps added each day, according to a new study.Stock image
According to the American Heart Association, walking is one of the safest and easiest ways to improve fitness and health, including heart health.
The Association’s Fitness Guidelines for Adults recommend at least 150 minutes, moderate or 75 minutes of intense physical activity per week.
With popular fitness apps and step counters, it’s easy to count steps, so researchers can use wearable step counting devices to have uninterrupted step attacks and occasional short breaks from common daily activities. We compared the effects of the eruption.
“Technological advances over the last few decades have allowed researchers to measure short eruptions of activity,” said lead author Christopher C. Moore.
“More research, with the help of wearable devices, shows that any type of movement is better than staying sedentary.”
From 2011 to 2015, 16,732 women wore waist step counters that measure daily steps and gait patterns for 4-7 days.
All women are over 60 years old and participated in the Women’s Health Study, a national study on the prevention of heart disease, cancer and other long-term illnesses.
In follow-up, the team behind the study tracked deaths from all causes for an average of six years until December 31, 2019.
“Our current results show that this finding also applies to women who did not engage in uninterrupted gait attacks,” Moore said.
“Elderly people face many barriers to participating in structured exercise programs, so it is more convenient to increase their daily walking behavior, such as parking a short distance from their destination. Some people find it fun. “
Experts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied gait patterns and habits in 16,732 women over the age of 60 between 2011 and 2015.Stock image
Overall, 804 of the more than 16,000 people involved in the study died during the 2011-2019 survey period.
Research participants who took more steps with shorter spurts lived longer, regardless of how many steps they took with longer, uninterrupted seizures. The benefit was found to be flat at about 4,500 steps per day with a short spurt.
However, for every 1,000 steps per day, deaths were reduced by 28% compared to doing nothing at all.
All volunteers wore step counters and reported on their daily activities. The team then followed up on women in 2019 to track deaths from all causes.Stock image
This reduction in mortality was even greater for participants who took more than 2,000 steps in a single uninterrupted match, down 32%.
All study participants were elderly and mostly non-Hispanic white women, so further research was conducted to determine if the results apply to men, young women, and people of diverse racial and ethnic groups. The team explained that it was necessary.
The findings were presented at the American Heart Association’s EPI Lifestyle 2021 conference.
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