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Obtaining the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine reduces the risk of infection by 90%


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To get people vaccinated, some public health authorities turned to mobile clinics.Scott Hines / Getty Images
  • A CDC study found that the mRNA vaccine currently produced exclusively by Pfizer BioNTech and Modena for COVID-19 reduces the risk of infection in fully vaccinated people by 91%. ..
  • They also found that they reduced the risk of people who were partially vaccinated by 81%.
  • The vaccine reduces the severity of the disease in vaccinated people who are still infected with COVID-19.
  • The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine.

A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines used against coronavirus reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in fully vaccinated people by 91%. I understand. For those who are partially vaccinated, the risk is reduced to 81%.

Is ResearchThe MedRxiv preprint, released this month, also shows that the vaccine reduces the severity of the disease in both fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated people with COVID-19. ..

A clinical trial of the vaccine conducted in 2020 showed that the mRNA vaccine produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna was very effective in preventing COVID-19. These findings are also maintained in the real world, where millions of people around the world are vaccinated.

“Currently, using real-world data, various studies have repeatedly confirmed that these vaccines are very effective.” Dr. Pearl IldilimA vaccinologist at Yale University, an expert on pediatric infectious diseases, and an associate professor of pediatrics told Healthline.

“Vaccinated individuals are protected from infection and transmission to others.”

The study evaluated the health data of 3,975 health care workers, paramedics, frontline workers, and key workers.

Participants who were likely to be exposed to COVID-19 due to the nature of their work underwent a weekly SARS-CoV-2 test for 17 weeks.

Diagnostic tests were performed via a self-collecting nasal swab and then tested in the SARS-CoV-2 laboratory. Positive tests were further studied to determine the viral load in a person’s nose and the length of time they had been shedding the virus.

Researchers evaluated the data according to participants’ vaccination status, local incidence of COVID-19 in the community, and how rigorously participants used personal protective equipment (PPE).

They found that the vaccine reduced the risk of infection in completely vaccinated people by 91%, two weeks after the second vaccination. The vaccine reduced the risk for partially vaccinated people by 81%. “Partially vaccinated” means 14 days after the first vaccination to 13 days after the second vaccination.

Researchers also found that people who were completely or partially vaccinated and who still developed COVID-19 were more likely to have a milder illness than those who were not vaccinated. discovered.

On average, people vaccinated against COVID-19 felt sick about 6 days less and slept 2 days less. People who received one or two doses were up to 66% less likely to develop symptoms such as fever and chills than those who were not vaccinated.

In other studies, people who were vaccinated against the coronavirus Reduced viral loadAs a result, you are less likely to infect others with the virus.

Researchers continue to work to understand how viral load correlates with infectivity, but evidence of chickenpox and influenza may be associated with lower viral load and reduced spread of infection. It suggests that it is highly sexual.

The findings continue to increase evidence that mRNA injections are safe and effective.

“Given what we already know from previous studies, these data are not surprising. These vaccines have proven to be safe and effective in preventing COVID-19 infection. . ” Dr. Annabel of St. MauriceHe is an assistant professor of pediatrics and co-head of infection prevention at UCLA Health.

Please note that according to de St. Maurice, participants in the study may differ from the general public “in terms of health, comorbidities, and immune status.”

The mRNA vaccine teaches our immune system to make a protein or part of a protein, which triggers the immune system. When the immune system is activated, it is ready to attack the coronavirus and prevent the development of infections.

Choosing the right antigen, the part of the virus that helps the vaccine identify and attack our body, is important to the success of the vaccine, Yildirim explains.

“Peplomer, a common target for both mRNA vaccines available, has been studied since MERS and is a very good trigger for the immune system to activate and produce neutralizing antibodies,” Yildirim said. Explains.

“Although some mutations have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes COVID-19), scientists still find that the vaccine is very effective,” de said. St. Maurice said.

Researchers need to continue to study the safety and efficacy of vaccines in the coming months and years.

According to Yildirim, there is plenty of data showing that shots are safe and effective, but it’s important to remember that we didn’t even know about SARS-CoV-2 until the end of December 2019.

“We are still studying how long the protection from natural infections and vaccinations will last,” Yildirim said.

This information will inform future vaccination campaigns and tell you if you need a booster vaccination.

At this point, the important thing is clear. The safest and most effective way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated.

“These vaccines are safe and highly effective. People may be vaccinated when they return to normal this summer and fall and see social gatherings and other activities begin. It will be more and more important, “said De St. Maurice.

A new study by the CDC shows that the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine used against coronavirus has a 91% risk of infection in fully vaccinated people and a 91% risk of infection in partially vaccinated people. Was found to decrease by 81%.

It also reduces the severity of COVID-19 infection in vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated people. Researchers will need to continue studying shots over the next few months to years to understand their durability and whether booster shots are needed.


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