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UK charges Chinese state-affiliated entities and individuals responsible for malicious cyber activity

UK charges Chinese state-affiliated entities and individuals responsible for malicious cyber activity


The UK, supported by allies around the world, today confirmed that Chinese state-affiliated organizations and individuals were responsible for two malicious cyber campaigns targeting democratic institutions and members of parliament. Partners across the Indo-Pacific and Europe have also expressed solidarity with the UK's efforts to tackle malicious cyber activity targeting democratic institutions and electoral processes.

First, the UK can reveal today that the National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), part of GCHQ, has assessed that UK Electoral Commission systems are likely to have been compromised by Chinese government-affiliated entities between 2021 and 2022.

Second, the NCSC assesses that the Chinese state-affiliated Advanced Persistent Threat Group 31 (APT31) almost certainly conducted reconnaissance targeting members of the British Parliament during a separate campaign in 2021. Many of those targeted have done a prominent job in pointing out China's malign activities. . Congressional accounts were not successfully compromised.

This is the latest in a clear pattern of malicious cyber activity by Chinese state-affiliated entities and individuals targeting democratic institutions and members of parliament in the UK and beyond.

In response, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for Development today summoned China's ambassador to the UK and sanctioned a front company and two individuals who are part of APT31. At the same time, the United States is designating the same individuals and entities for malicious cyber activity. . We attach great importance to close coordination and cooperation with the United States in responding to these threats. This sends a clear message that we will not tolerate malicious cyber activity against democratic institutions and members of Congress.

Foreign Secretary Cameron said:

It is completely unacceptable for Chinese state-affiliated organizations and individuals to target our democratic institutions and political processes. Although these attempts to disrupt British democracy have not been successful, we will remain vigilant and resilient to the threats we face.

I raised this issue directly with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and today we sanctioned two individuals and one entity linked to Chinese state-affiliated organizations targeting our members of Congress.

We will always defend ourselves against those who seek to threaten our values ​​and the freedoms that underpin our democracy. One of the reasons it's important to make this statement is that other countries need to see the details of the threats our systems and democracy face.

Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden said:

The UK will not tolerate malicious cyber activity targeting democratic institutions. The UK Government's top priority is to protect democratic systems and values. The Task Force on Defending Democracies continues to coordinate its work to build resilience to these threats.

I hope this statement will help build broader awareness of how politicians and people involved in democratic processes around the world are being targeted by state-sponsored cyber operations.

We will continue to call out these activities and hold the Chinese government accountable for its actions.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said:

China's efforts to target our democratic institutions are reprehensible.

China's attempts at espionage have not had the results they wanted, and our new national security laws have made the UK an even more difficult target. The upcoming elections will be strong and secure at the local and national levels.

In the UK, democracy and the rule of law are paramount. The targeting of our elected representatives and the electoral process will never be challenged.

With this statement today, the international community once again calls on the Chinese government to demonstrate its credibility as a responsible cyber actor. The UK will continue to condemn malicious cyber activity that undermines national security and democracy.

The UK believes these actions were part of a larger espionage operation. We have made it clear that targeting democratic institutions is completely unacceptable. To date, cumulative attempts to interfere with British democracy and politics have been unsuccessful. The UK has strengthened its defenses against these types of incidents. The Task Force for Defense of Democracies and the National Security Act 2023 provide governments, parliaments, security services and law enforcement with the tools they need to disrupt hostile activities. The NCSC also released guidance to help high-risk individuals, including members of Congress, strengthen their resilience to cyber threats, and advice to help organizations improve their security.

background sanctions

In the UK, designated individuals and entities include:

Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science and Technology Company Limited, which operates on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) and is affiliated with APT31, is part of the Chinese state-sponsored organization Zhao Guangzong, a member of APT31, and operates on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS). It operates on your behalf. China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) engaged in cyber activities on behalf of China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) targeting officials, government agencies and lawmakers of Ni Gaobin, a member of APT31, in the UK and internationally. , engaged in cyber activity targeting civil servants, government agencies and members of parliament in the UK and the International Electoral Commission.

The Electoral Commission oversees elections in the UK and regulates political funding. It is independent of the UK government and reports to the parliaments of England, Wales and Scotland. Between late 2021 and October 2022, the National Election Commission's systems were compromised by Chinese state-owned cyber actors.

As the Electoral Commission stated in 2023, malicious cyber activity did not impact the electoral process, nor did it affect individual rights, access to the democratic process, or registration to vote. The Election Commission has taken steps to secure its systems against future activity. Once the compromise was discovered, the Commission worked with the NCSC and security experts to investigate the incident and take steps to secure the system to reduce the risk of future attacks.

APT31 targets UK lawmakers

The NCSC assesses that Chinese state-owned cyber attacker APT31 most likely conducted reconnaissance targeting members of the British Parliament during a separate campaign in 2021. Congressional cybersecurity teams confirmed this reconnaissance and were able to confirm that the account had not been compromised.

APT31 was one of several Chinese state-affiliated organizations publicly linked by the UK to China's Ministry of State Security in 2021 following the global hack of Microsoft Exchange Server. Allies issued similar statements condemning the actions.

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