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Beijing warns against using gunboat muscle as US, Philippines begin military exercises | South China Sea

Beijing warns against using gunboat muscle as US, Philippines begin military exercises |  South China Sea


A Chinese military official warned against countries flexing gunboat power, as the Philippines and the United States begin three weeks of unprecedented joint exercises in the South China Sea.

The annual Balikatan exercises, or shoulder-to-shoulder exercises, began on Monday and will continue until May 10. For the first time, the exercises will take place beyond Philippine territorial waters, 12 nautical miles offshore, and will involve the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in an active role. They will also involve other countries in secondary or observer roles, notably Australia and France.

This year's exercises are the second largest in its history, with 17,600 people simulating the recapture of islands near Taiwan. The Philippine military says the exercises are not explicitly linked to the actions of any particular country, but observers widely believe they are a response to China.

At a naval conference in Qingdao on Monday, Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission that oversees China's armed forces, said the sea should not be an arena in which countries can flex their gunboat muscles.

Reality has shown that those who make deliberate provocations, stir up tensions or support one side against another for selfish gains will ultimately only harm themselves, Zhang said.

Maritime containment, encirclement and blockade of islands will only plunge the world into a vortex of division and turbulence.

Zhang, who is a close ally of President Xi Jinping, said China was determined to resolve maritime disputes through dialogue but would not be fooled.

U.S. Embassy Representative Robert Ewing poses with Filipino and American soldiers during the opening ceremony of Exercise Balikatan between the United States and the Philippines. Photograph: Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire/REX/Shutterstock

The Chinese government claims most of the South China Sea, including islands and shoals also claimed by other countries such as the Philippines. Beijing repeatedly says it is pursuing dialogue to resolve differences, but makes clear that this is largely on its own terms.

China rejected a 2016 ruling by an international tribunal that its sweeping claims had no legal basis. It has continued to build military structures, occupy islands and reclaim land in the South China Sea at a faster rate than other competing countries, and uses its coast guard, navy and paramilitary fishing fleet known as the Maritime Militia to maintain a strong presence. in the area, occasionally engaging in confrontations with others.

Experts say disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea are likely to escalate. The two countries' coast guards have clashed several times in recent months, notably in collisions that each side accuses the other of having deliberately caused.

The Chinese coast guard also used powerful water cannons against Philippine ships attempting to resupply a strategic Philippine military outpost on the controversial Second Thomas Shoal.

Tensions between the two countries have also increased as the Philippine government of Ferdinand Marcos Jr strengthens relations with its treaty ally, the United States, and other allies like Japan, after the previous president be brought closer to China.

Zhang was speaking at the 19th biennial meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium, which brings together more than 180 senior naval representatives from 29 countries for closed-door meetings and public events. Representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Cambodia, Russia and Japan are among the participants, according to Chinese state media.

The meetings are expected to include discussions on the Code of Unforeseen Encounters at Sea, a set of guidelines intended to ease tensions between armies at sea.

Reuters contributed to this report




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