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More than 18,000 people facing deportation from Rwanda now have their cases processed in the UK | Immigration and Asylum

More than 18,000 people facing deportation from Rwanda now have their cases processed in the UK |  Immigration and Asylum


More than 18,000 asylum seekers who are under threat of being sent to Rwanda are currently having their cases processed in the UK.

Freedom of information data obtained by the Guardian shows that between January 2021 and June 2023, almost three quarters (18,078) of people who had previously received a letter of intent telling them their claim would not be processed in the UK subsequently entered the asylum system. Accepted. .

A Notice of Intent will be issued if the Home Office declares your asylum claim inadmissible and considers your removal from the UK.

Data previously obtained from the Home Ministry on the number of notices issued over a similar period from January 2021 to March 2023 showed that 24,083 notices were issued.

The disclosure comes as Rishi Sunak hopes the security of the Rwandan bill will clear the final hurdle in its passage through parliament this week.

The prime minister said Monday morning that the first flight to Kigali would take off within 10 to 12 weeks, contradicting his long-held promise to start this spring.

Rishi Sunak said the first Rwanda flight would take off within 10 to 12 weeks.

The rules on the inadmissibility of asylum applications came into effect in January 2021. Since then, as part of the government's pledge, legislation has become increasingly stringent to crack down on people arriving through irregular means, such as crossing the Channel by boat. boat. But asylum seekers told the Guardian that smugglers had reduced the price from about 4,000 won to about 1,000 won, and the number of border crossings so far this year has been very high.

The Illegal Migration Act, enacted on 20 July 2023, gives the Home Secretary a legal duty to deport irregular arrivals to the UK to their home country or Rwanda. Not all parts of the bill have been implemented and no one has moved to Rwanda so far.

At a meeting of Parliament's cross-party Public Accounts Committee on Monday, Conservative MP Tim Loughton told senior Home Office officials what would happen to the estimated 40,000 asylum seekers who arrived in the UK after July 2023 but have not been given a claim. I asked if it was true. It appears highly unlikely that anything processed here will ever be sent to Rwanda. Officials were unable to provide a clear answer.

Steve Smith, CEO of the charity Care4Calais, said: Every single one of the 18,078 asylum applications has been unnecessarily held up by these notices of intent, which has only had the effect of putting people's lives in limbo.

This government has a gimmick in Rwanda, but it has no plans to process the tens of thousands of asylum applications it has created a permanent backlog of. Locking people up in the asylum system for years is bad for their health and wellbeing and increases the costs of an asylum system that is completely broken under this government.

A government spokesperson said: Asylum seekers who arrive illegally after 20 July 2023 will be subject to deportation obligations and their asylum claims will be declared inadmissible.

Once the security of the Rwandan legislation and treaty is secured, we will get the plane airborne as soon as possible.




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