Government supports UK R&D with record $20.4 billion investment in autumn budget
The Prime Minister announced a $20.4 billion investment in UK R&D to boost economic growth, including fully funding the Association for the Horizon Europe research programme. Up to $520 million in life sciences funding will unlock $1.8 billion in private investment, improve health resilience and create high-quality jobs around the world. New R&D investment to strengthen the UK’s national mission, with regional innovation accelerators supporting growth across the UK.
In yesterday's budget (Wednesday 30 October), the Prime Minister announced a record-high government investment of $20.4 billion in research and development next year. This reinforces the Government’s commitment to supporting the UK’s R&D ecosystem to drive economic growth and achieve the five national missions. .
The Budget will fully fund the UK's association with Horizon Europe, ensuring scientists and innovators have access to the world's largest joint financing scheme, with more than $80 billion available for cutting-edge projects under the EU scheme. DSIT's own R&D budget has increased to 13.9 billion, while core research funding has also increased to a record 6.1 billion, strengthening the UK's leading research base.
A significant portion of this budget is dedicated to the UK's life sciences sector, a cornerstone of positioning the UK as a leader in science and innovation, through a $520 million investment in the Life Sciences Innovation and Manufacturing Fund.
The Chancellor also announced funding for a number of other programs that will be led by DSIT. These investments highlight the importance of science and technology in driving the economic growth essential to raising living standards and funding public services, putting the UK at the forefront of global innovation and development.
Minister for Science and Technology Peter Kyle said:
The Autumn Budget clearly recognizes the Government's view that it is impossible to drive economic growth and improve people's lives without investment in science and technology.
That's why we're matching our words with our actions by driving R&D investment to record levels and empowering researchers and businesses to solve real-world problems, grow emerging industries, and create high-quality jobs.
DSIT's fall budget announcement is as follows:
Life Sciences Innovation and Manufacturing Fund
The Prime Minister unveiled the Life Sciences Innovation and Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF), starting with a grant of $70 million as part of a long-term commitment of up to $520 million to secure major life sciences manufacturing investment across the UK.
This funding will strengthen the country's capacity to develop and produce life-saving treatments, ensuring faster access to essential medicines and strengthening NHS stability.
The LSIMF is expected to secure up to $1.8 billion in private investment to support thousands of high-skilled jobs and stimulate economic growth across the country, while preparing the UK for future health emergencies and strengthening the resilience of the NHS.
R&D mission program
The new Research and Development Mission Program (RDMP), initially investing $25 million, will address specific challenges facing the national mission, including medical advancements and the transition to clean energy. Working with private and third sector organizations, the initiative aims to translate scientific advances into practical benefits to improve public services and quality of life across the UK.
Spinout Review Proof of Concept Fund
To support the UK's growth mission, the government is investing $40 million over five years in a proof-of-concept fund to transform pioneering university research into successful businesses. This initiative helps researchers bring innovative ideas to market and generate high-potential startups that drive job creation and economic growth.
Successful spin-offs, such as Pragmatic Semiconductor, which raised $182 million to open its first manufacturing facility and create 500 high-skilled jobs, or Oxford Nanopore, which has more than 1,000 employees, highlight the potential impact of research-led innovation.
Innovation Accelerator and Made Smarter Innovation Programs
The government has extended two key programs to promote innovation across UK regions and manufacturing for a further year. The Innovation Accelerator program will continue for a further year, focusing on high-potential clusters in the Glasgow City region, Greater Manchester and the West Midlands.
Successes include Glasgow-based spin-out Chemify (which has since raised $28 million in private funding), which is developing new methods for chemical manufacturing, and the Biochar Cleantech Accelerator in the West Midlands, which is developing new products to support green growth. These projects demonstrate the benefits of national R&D and support for local economic growth.
Meanwhile, the Made Smarter Innovation program will continue to receive up to $37 million in funding and will help manufacturers adopt digital technologies and connect the industry with digital solution providers to improve productivity and sustainability. no see.
project gigabit
The government will invest at least $500 million in Project Gigabit and the Shared Rural Network next year to accelerate the rollout of digital infrastructure in underserved areas of the UK. The funding aims to deliver full gigabit coverage by 2030, ensuring fast, reliable internet access for communities and businesses and equal access to digital opportunities across the country.
Shared services strategy
DSIT will invest up to $80 million to strengthen the corporate functions of nine government departments. It aims to transform shared services and streamline the system to make it more efficient, modern and cost-effective, providing better value for taxpayers.
Examining barriers to adoption of innovative technologies
The Government has commissioned a review led by the Government's Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Dame Angela McLean, and National Technology Adviser, Dr Dave Smith, to identify barriers to the adoption of innovative technologies. The review will focus on high-growth sectors of the Government's Industrial Strategy, which aims to boost productivity and stimulate growth to stimulate the UK economy.
Commenting on today's Budget, Sir Adrian Smith, President of the Royal Society, said:
It is great news for the science sector and for the UK that the Prime Minister has recognized research and innovation as important national assets for long-term economic growth.
Despite the challenges facing public finances, protecting the science budget and investing $20.4 billion in 2025/2026 will create the conditions to create new knowledge, increase productivity and unlock opportunity across the UK.
It is clearly recognized that supporting innovation in growth sectors such as AI and delivering net zero will be key to seizing these economic opportunities.
The Prime Minister rightly recognizes that investing in education and skills today is the foundation for Britain's future prosperity and international competitiveness. As part of the upcoming curriculum review, recruiting specialist science teachers and reforming mathematics education will be key to delivering on this commitment.
Professor Andrew Morris PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said:
With this Budget, we are pleased that the Government recognizes the pivotal role of research and innovation in driving economic growth and prosperity. The Academy will continue to support this, working with partners to deliver the best possible outcomes for research and the health of people around the world.
It is encouraging that the Chancellor is providing much-needed stability to our research community by protecting core R&D budgets, and we are particularly pleased with the investment in the National Institute for Health Research, a critical step toward delivering medical research and innovation. The substantial increase is welcome. Patients across the UK.
The Government's commitment to fully cover the costs of the Horizon Europe program is essential to advancing medicine and addressing global health challenges across borders, and we encourage the UK research community to actively pursue these funding opportunities.
By recognizing innovation as one of the seven pillars of its growth mission, along with its commitment to set out a 10-year budget in its spring statement and a roadmap for rebuilding the NHS, the government is signaling a significant shift to long-term thinking. Stable, sustained funding is vital to foster productive partnerships between academia, industry and the NHS and enable innovative research that improves the lives of people across the UK.
Dr Tim Bradshaw, CEO of Russell Group, said:
In difficult financial times, we are pleased that the Government has protected its R&D budget, including core research funding, and has recognized the value of research and innovation as a key pillar of its growth mission. This enables the University to continue to deliver growth and productivity and contribute to job creation, local investment and improved public services.
We welcome the introduction of a multi-year R&D mission program that highlights the role of R&D in achieving the Government's priorities, including in particular the Industrial Strategy. We are also delighted to hear that our association has been able to fully fund Horizon Europe. In both these areas, we will work with partners across industry and academia to maximize the UK’s benefit.
Continuing to increase UK investment in R&D, including basic research, is vital to creating new industries, leveraging private investment and delivering high-value jobs across the country.
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