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The United States has not assessed that Israel is violating the Gaza aid law and will not change its policy despite the findings of humanitarian groups

The United States has not assessed that Israel is violating the Gaza aid law and will not change its policy despite the findings of humanitarian groups


Washington CNN —

The Biden administration has not assessed that Israel is violating U.S. law and will not change its policy at this time, a State Department spokesperson said Tuesday regarding the 30-day U.S.-imposed deadline. United with the Netanyahu government to take specific measures to improve the situation. humanitarian situation in Gaza.

The US statement contrasts sharply with the findings of aid organizations, which say the humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated to its worst level since the war began in October 2023. The situation in northern Gaza Gaza in particular has been described as apocalyptic. with areas at imminent risk of famine.

Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin set a 30-day deadline for the Israeli government to take action on more than a dozen concrete measures aimed at ameliorating the deteriorating security situation. humanitarian situation in Gaza.

On Tuesday, a group of eight humanitarian aid organizations jointly declared that the Israeli government not only failed to meet U.S. criteria indicating support for the humanitarian response, but at the same time took steps that significantly worsened the situation on the ground, particularly in northern Gaza.

Blinken and Austin warned in their letter that failure to demonstrate an enduring commitment to implementing and maintaining these measures could have implications for U.S. policy under a Biden administration national security memorandum as well as American law. Section 620I of the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act requires the United States to terminate its security assistance to governments that restrict their humanitarian assistance.

At this time, we have not assessed that the Israelis are violating US law, State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said Tuesday.

Patel said the Israeli government had taken some of the steps outlined in the letter and argued they might not have been implemented without U.S. pressure.

We have seen progress, he said during a press briefing. We would like to see other changes happen.

Most importantly, we will continue to monitor how these measures were taken, how they are implemented, how they may continue to be developed, and in doing so, we will continue to assess their compliance with U.S. law.

An Israeli official told CNN on Tuesday that the government had worked to provide humanitarian aid throughout the past year and had responded positively to most US requests, many of which were already underway.

However, according to humanitarian organizations, the humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated to its worst level since the start of the war in October 2023.

There were non-compliances, significant delays or rollbacks on 15 of the measures outlined in Blinken and Austin's letter, according to the humanitarian organizations' joint dashboard released Tuesday. The implementation of four of them was only partial or inconsistent. None of the measures have seen complete or significant progress.

The dashboard was compiled by Anera, CARE International, MedGlobal, Mercy Corps, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam, Refugees International and Save the Children. It is based on the observations and experience of humanitarian organizations in the field and on available public data and secondary sources.

Measures that were grossly violated, according to the dashboard, included allowing a minimum of 350 humanitarian aid trucks per day to enter Gaza and reinstating a minimum of 50 to 100 trucks sales per day.

This is the kind of deadly combination of lack of humanitarian aid and commercial assistance that has accelerated the deterioration over the past 30 days, and it's a real problem, said Kate Phillips-Barrasso, vice president of the global politics and advocacy at Mercy Corps.

If you have no movement on either of these, that means people won't have anything to eat. It's just a very basic equation, right? Nothing to buy, nothing given, and obviously nothing is really grown, fished or anything locally, and not to mention that it would never feed a population of 2 million, he said. she told CNN.

They are now receiving reports that people are no longer just skipping meals; they eat one meal every other day, and it's mostly canned food, she said.

There is no fresh food, Phillips-Barrasso said.

The Israeli government has also failed to establish adequate humanitarian pauses to allow humanitarian activities, to cancel evacuation orders when there is no operational need, to ensure continued humanitarian access to northern Gaza, or to strengthen the security of humanitarian sites and movements, according to the dashboard.

According to Israeli authorities and local Palestinian journalists, some humanitarian aid has been delivered to the Beit Hanoun area of ​​northern Gaza in recent days, but many displaced Palestinians have been forced from their shelters by airstrikes and warnings from the Israeli army to move south before they can receive. help.

Israeli forces repeatedly attacked humanitarian sites and frontline responders during this 30-day period, the dashboard shows. At least 14 aid workers have been killed since October 3, with at least four documented in the 30-day period.

Moreover, despite American warnings in the letter and elsewhere, the Israeli parliament voted to ban UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees. The State Department spokesperson warned last month that the role UNRWA plays in Gaza cannot be filled by anyone else.

On Tuesday, a group of U.S. officials who resigned in protest over the Biden administration's policies toward Israel and the war in Gaza called on the U.S. government to suspend arms sales to Israel for violating laws on humanitarian aid.

We call on President Biden to keep this 30-day promise. To enforce American law. Stop US arms sales to Israel, stop the spread of conflict and watch out for America, group members said in a video.

There is no provision in U.S. or international law that allows additional time to starve people, said Stacy Gilbert, a former senior State Department official.

The Humanitarian Dashboard highlights that the effectiveness of international diplomatic efforts to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza depends on the willingness of the United States and other countries to push Israel to comply with these priorities.

This story has been updated with additional developments.

CNN's Michael Conte, Mick Krever, MJ Lee, Kylie Atwood, Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder and Irene Nasser contributed to this report.




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