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Despicable acts: Malcolm X's family sues US agencies for assassination | Civil Rights News

Despicable acts: Malcolm X's family sues US agencies for assassination | Civil Rights News


Three daughters of Malcolm be partly responsible for it. for the assassination of their father in 1965.

The family filed a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against the three agencies on Friday.

The lawsuit is the latest twist in the decades-long fallout from Malcolm X's murder, which has prompted many questions but few answers.

He was shot to death in February 1965, when gunmen opened fire on the 39-year-old shortly after he began speaking at an event in New York's Harlem neighborhood.

Friday's trial charges that a corrupt, illegal and unconstitutional relationship between law enforcement and the ruthless killers enabled the killing.

The connections between government agencies and the killers went unchecked for many years and were actively covered up, tolerated, protected and facilitated by government agents, according to the lawsuit.

The suit further claims that government agencies made several missteps that allowed the murder to occur.

The New York Police Department, in coordination with federal law enforcement, had arrested Malcolm X's security guards just days before the assassination. Police also intentionally removed the officers from inside the ballroom, according to the complaint.

Additionally, according to the court filing, federal agencies had undercover personnel in the ballroom at the time of the attack, but the agents did not intervene.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump announced the lawsuit in February last year. [File: Ted Shaffrey/AP Photo]

Speaking at a news conference Friday, civil rights attorney Ben Crump summarized the family's claim.

We believe they all conspired to assassinate Malcolm X, one of the greatest thought leaders of the 20th century, Crump said.

He added that he hopes law enforcement officials will read the lawsuit, learn about all the dastardly acts committed by their predecessors and attempt to right these historic wrongs.

The CIA and FBI have not commented on the lawsuit. The NYPD, meanwhile, has previously said it does not comment on pending litigation.

Decades of speculation

Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska. He first rose to prominence as the national spokesperson for the Nation of Islam, later changing his name to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz.

His black revolutionary messages attracted the attention of federal intelligence agencies, and he was closely monitored throughout his career as an activist and public figure.

Eventually, he broke with the Nation of Islam and aligned himself more closely with the more traditional civil rights movement. After her murder, three men were arrested and convicted of her murder.

In 2020, then-Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance announced a re-examination of the original investigation into the murder of Malcolm X, which had long piqued the interest of historians and amateur detectives.

Two years later, two of the three convicted men, Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam, were acquitted after the investigation revealed that prosecutors, the FBI and the NYPD had withheld evidence that could have exonerated them of their guilt.

The conviction of a third man, Mujahid Abdul Halim, was not overturned.

Prosecutors had argued that the trio, all members of the Nation of Islam, killed Malcolm X in retaliation for his acrimonious split from the group a year earlier.

The examination failed to identify the real killer or reveal broader collusion between the attackers and the government.

However, he drew attention to the fact that law enforcement knew the Nation of Islam was targeting Malcolm X after he threw a firebomb at his home a week before his assassination.

He also revealed, as noted in Friday's lawsuit, that authorities did not disclose the presence of undercover agents at the time of the attack.

Additionally, NYPD records show that a New York Daily News reporter apparently received a tip about the killing shortly before it occurred.

Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X are seen together in 1964 [Marion S Trikosko/Library of Congress via Reuters]

The lawsuit filed Friday claimed that Malcolm X's family suffered the pain of the unknown in the decades after his assassination.

They didn't know who assassinated Malcolm or who had fraudulently concealed their role, according to the lawsuit.

The damage caused to the Shabazz family is unimaginable, immense and irreparable.




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