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It Ends With Us on Netflix: Release date, cast and more details on the Blake Lively film

It Ends With Us on Netflix: Release date, cast and more details on the Blake Lively film


In It Ends With Us, Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni face each other as Lily Bloom and Ryle Kincaid. Lily, an aspiring florist, and Ryle, an ambitious neurosurgeon, hit it off during a charming first meeting in Boston, where they share an immediate connection. Over time, they become a romantic couple, but Ryle begins to display a darker, more aggressive side and becomes physically and emotionally abusive.

The film, which begins streaming December 9 on Netflix in the United States, is an adaptation of the popular novel of the same name by author Colleen Hoovers, which deals with heavy themes of abuse and domestic violence, as well as trauma generational. Baldoni, who also directed the film for his independent production studio, Wayfarer Studios, told The Hollywood Reporter that he was inspired to adapt this story because he felt so moved by Lily's courage and what she had to overcome.

In the trailer, Lily herself reflects on everything she has endured, stating: As difficult as this choice is, we break the pattern, or the pattern breaks us.

While you wait to watch (or rewatch) It Ends With Us, read on for everything you need to know about the film.

What happens in It Ends With Us?

Lily Bloom (Lively) is a recent college graduate who moves from a small town in Maine to Boston to pursue her dream of owning her own flower shop. Her plans are interrupted when her father dies, but his death is complicated for Lily. We learn through flashbacks to his teenage years that he was physically abusive towards his mother. During this difficult period of her childhood, Lily confides in only one person, a young man named Atlas Corrigan (Brandon Sklenar), who becomes her first boyfriend and her first love, and reappears later in her life as a teenager. adult.

After her father's funeral, Lily takes a moment to decompress and collect her feelings about loss while sitting on a rooftop in Boston, where she meets Ryle Kincaid (Baldoni), an ambitious neurosurgeon. The couple shares an immediate connection and hints at their dating histories. Ryle tells her that he's not exactly the relationship type, but Lily soon becomes an exception to that rule. Over time, an intense romance develops between Lily and Ryle, which takes a dark turn when Ryle becomes physically and emotionally abusive.

Blake Lively as Lily Bloom

Who is in the cast of It Ends with Us? Is It Ends with Us based on a book?

The film is based on author Colleen Hoovers' wildly popular and best-selling 2016 romance novel of the same name, which spent 169 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Hoover told TODAY it was a bittersweet feeling to be on the bestseller list for so long. Because people resonate with that. And it's a pretty sad topic to resonate with, she said. In 2022, Hoover released a sequel to It Ends with Us because fans wanted to know more about Lily's story. The second book in the series, It Starts With Us, is told from Atlas' point of view.

Is It Ends With Us based on a true story?

As Hoover told TODAY, the book is loosely based on his mother's experience when she was married to Hoover's biological father. Her mother was able to leave the situation and filed for divorce from her husband when Hoover was 2, and Hoover said it was her mother's courage that inspired her to write It Ends with Us. In an interview with At the New York Daily News, Hoover described it as the most difficult book I have ever written.

Justin Baldoni as Ryle Kincaid

Where was It Ends With Us filmed?

Although the book and film are set in Boston, the film was primarily filmed in Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey. Baldoni was keen to find places that still felt authentic to New England, People reports. Additionally, the film uses images of the Boston skyline to serve as a reminder of where the story takes place. For the most part, It Ends with Us was filmed in the Garden State, but the crew also took a long-distance trip to Los Angeles to film Lily and Ryles' first meeting on the rooftop.

When can I watch It Ends With Us?

You can stream the film on Netflix in the US starting December 9.

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