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A cup of coffee in the morning may reduce the risk of liver disease

A cup of coffee in the morning may reduce the risk of liver disease
A cup of coffee in the morning may reduce the risk of liver disease


  • A new study found that drinking coffee was associated with a reduced risk of chronic liver disease.
  • Researchers are learning about the effects of coffee on the liver.
  • They attribute the health benefits to the anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrotic effects of coffee.

A new study in the United Kingdom shows that drinking coffee reduces the risk of chronic liver disease and other liver health conditions.

TheĀ· ResearchPublished in the journal BMC Public Health on June 22, coffee drinkers were found to have a 21% lower risk of liver disease and a 49% lower risk of death from chronic liver disease.

The health benefits peaked at about four cups of coffee a day, most notably for those who drink ground coffee than those who drink instant coffee.

This study increases evidence that coffee appears to help with liver health.

Researchers are still learning how coffee fights liver disease, but they believe it’s because popular beverages have anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrotic properties.

The researchers evaluated health data for 495,585 people who were followed for an average of 10 years.

78% of the group consumed either ground coffee with caffeine, instant coffee, or decaffeinated coffee, and 22% did not consume coffee.

Throughout the study, there were 3,600 cases of chronic liver disease or steatosis, liver fat accumulation.

There were also 184 cases of liver cancer, which is hepatocellular carcinoma.

Coffee drinkers in this study had a 21% reduction in the risk of developing chronic liver disease and a 20% reduction in the risk of fatty liver disease.

Research participants who drank coffee also had a 49% reduction in their risk of dying from chronic liver disease.

The health benefits were most pronounced among those who drank ground coffee with caffeine. Instant coffee and decaffeinated coffee were associated with health benefits, but ground coffee was most effective.

According to researchers, ground coffee contains the highest levels of two ingredients that are thought to protect against liver disease: kahweol and cafestol.

Health benefits leveled off with 4-5 cups of coffee a day.

Researchers say coffee could be used as an affordable and affordable way to help reduce the risk of developing liver disease.

“As shown in previous studies, this paper is the most compelling to date that coffee consumption is associated with reduced liver-related mortality in large population-based cohorts. It seems that they are doing it. ” Dr. Joseph Lim, Hepatologist of Yale Medicine and Professor of Yale Medicine School.

This study shows increasing evidence that coffee benefits the liver. Dr. Albert Do, Hepatologist in Yale Medicine, Clinical Director of Fatty Liver Disease Program, and Associate Professor at Yale University.

“There are previous studies that suggest a reduced risk of cirrhosis (severe liver scarring), improved fatty liver disease, lower hospitalization rates, and lower mortality from cirrhosis associated with coffee use,” Do said. Said.

Many studies have shown that coffee consumption is associated with reduced liver enzyme levels.

In many cases, High levels of liver enzymes Don’t worry, it can be a sign of liver inflammation or damage.

Another widespread Review I found out that I will drink coffee from 2016 May help offset Liver disorders associated with overdose of certain foods or alcohol.

by Dr. Tamar Tadej, A hepatologist at Yale Medicine and an associate professor at Yale University School of Medicine, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how and why coffee fights liver disease.

“It may have anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrotic properties, which are two major and interrelated pathways to liver disease and liver cancer,” said Taddei.

Other factors that have not yet been identified may also be involved.

Further research is needed to investigate how coffee is made and how it improves the health of people with liver problems.

ā€œWe need to learn more about which ingredients in coffee and which parts of the coffee-making process, from beans to cups, are beneficial,ā€ said Tadej.

Do, who cares for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, recommends 1-2 cups of black caffeinated coffee per day.

People who develop heartburn or gastrointestinal problems should adjust their intake according to what they can tolerate.

In addition, people with severe heart disease and severe high blood pressure should avoid excessive coffee if it worsens their condition.

“Individuals should remain reassured that they can continue to drink coffee at their current levels, but we do not suggest increasing consumption levels to improve liver results,” Lim said.

A new study found that drinking coffee is associated with a reduced risk of chronic liver disease and other liver health conditions.

Researchers are still learning about the effects of coffee on the liver, but suspect that the health benefits may be due to the anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrotic effects of coffee.


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