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U.S. Coronavirus: Infants will pay a price if a sufficient number of U.S. adults are not vaccinated with Covid-19, experts say.

U.S. Coronavirus: Infants will pay a price if a sufficient number of U.S. adults are not vaccinated with Covid-19, experts say.


Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccinologist at Baylor College of Medicine and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that vaccination rates for adults and children over the age of 12 are rising in the spread of the virus. He said he was the youngest if he continued to be late. Members of the population are most affected.

“Infection will continue to accelerate … and in addition to unvaccinated adolescents, it is the small children who rely on adults and adolescents to vaccinate to delay or stop the infection. . “

In 46 states, the incidence of new cases last week was at least 10% higher than the incidence of new cases last week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

According to the latest Los Angeles County health data, the country’s most populous Los Angeles County has seen a 500% increase in cases over the past month.

As the number of cases increases, only 48.1% of the population is fully vaccinated. data From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, while Covid-19’s low mortality rate could dispel the risk of low vaccination rates for children, Hotez says it remains at risk of serious complications. I did.
One-third of Covid-19 survivors suffer from
In Mississippi, seven children are on intensive care with Covid-19 and two are on ventilator. State health officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs tweeted Tuesday night.

More adolescents could be hospitalized, and up to 30% of infected children will develop long-distance infections, Hotez said.

Scientists are now learning about the neurological effects of long-range covids, Hotez added. Several studies have shown the effects on the brains of people infected with the virus. In a study in April 34% of Covid-19 survivors were diagnosed Neurological or psychological state within 6 months of infection.

“What you are doing is completely and unnecessarily blaming adolescents of all ages for neurological injuries,” Hotez said. “It’s quite painful and not frustrating for a vaccine scientist like me to see this happen.”

Discussion on vaccine obligations

As experts emphasize the importance of vaccination against the majority of Americans, some officials are arguing whether vaccination is mandatory at the local level.

Some schools and employers have already taken steps to require students and employees to be vaccinated before returning home.

last month, Morgan Stanley Unvaccinated employees, guests and clients have been announced to be banned from the New York headquarters. During April Houston Methodist, A network of eight hospitals said all employees need to be vaccinated. Of the 26,000 employees 153 people resigned or fired As a result of refusing the vaccine.
That same month American College Health Association Issued Policy Statement To the extent permitted by state law and resources, we recommend Covid-19 vaccination requirements for all university students on campus in the next fall semester.
Last week, states with lower vaccination rates had a Covid-19 case rate three times higher than in other states where people were fully vaccinated.

However, many states are trying to thwart such requirements.

At least seven states (Alabama, Kansas, Florida, Indiana, Montana, Oklahoma, and Utah) have public schools documenting coronavirus vaccination or vaccination status, according to a CNN analysis. A law was enacted this year to limit demands.

Such legislation is horrifying to the 48 million Americans in the United States under the age of 12. Former Secretary of Health and Welfare Kathleen Sebelius told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Tuesday.

Currently, the vaccine is only available in the United States to people over the age of 12.

“If we start with children’s lenses and want them to go back to school, that’s what we all have as a priority, and we’re stepping up with employers, schools and colleges. I have to be more serious about what I say. I don’t want to be vaccinated, but I don’t really have access to places where I can reach people who aren’t vaccinated, “Severius said. I am.

One of the things the federal government can do to support vaccine obligations is to promote full approval of available vaccines, she said.

“Getting full approval-getting an emergency use authorization and getting full approval-solves potential legal issues for private employers,” Sebelius said.

What does the surge mean for the school year?

Most officials and health professionals emphasize the importance of being able to safely return to school in the new school year, but vaccination hesitation can impact the advancement of the district.

Only a quarter of Americans between the ages of 12 and 15 are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, making it the lowest vaccinated age group, according to data released by the CDC on Tuesday. I am.

Schools from kindergarten to high school in California were instructed on Monday to keep students away from campus because they refused to wear face covers in class, but the rules are Revised in just a few hours To give schools more room to implement the protocol.
It's not just for you.Experts say that vaccination with Covid-19 protects everyone around you

The first guidance states, “The school must exclude students from the campus if they are not exempt from wearing an undercover face. [California Department of Public Health] We refuse to wear the guidelines and what the school offers, “said Alex Stack, a spokesman for Gavin Newsom’s office, arguing that the intent is not to separate students.

“the way [the guidance] Stack told CNN, admitting that the statement came across “banning children,” and “understanding this correctly so that parents and students can understand what they expect to go to school. Important. Year. “

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city’s guidance could change as the school year approaches, but for now, families should assume that masks will still be worn at school in September. ..

“We’ve always worked with the CDC, but again, we’re very careful considering everything the city has experienced so far … for now, wearing a mask isn’t. The wise thing to do at school. “

CNN’s Alexandra Meeks, Lauren Mascarenhas, Deidre McPhillips, Laura Ly, Cheri Mossburg and Joe Sutton contributed to this report.





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