COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Strategy for Evidence of Delta Variants of Increasing Inequality, says WHO
The emergence of the new Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to the worldwide spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since the virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019, more than 187.99 cases and more than 4 million deaths have been reported.
The virus is also rapidly mutating, with some changes in genomic sequences causing gain of function in the form of increased infectivity, increased infectivity, antigenic escape, and possibly increased pathogenicity.
Due to the lack of effective antiviral agents to combat the virus, the focus has been on vaccine development and rapid deployment. Surprisingly, the first two vaccines built on the Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) platform received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) within a year of the onset of the pandemic.
Following this, scores for other vaccines were approved. Effectiveness Against the virus. Vaccines have been deployed in many countries. Especially in the United Kingdom, Israel and the United States, we have achieved surprisingly high vaccination rates.
However, low-income countries have been excluded from competition and still suffer from a high number of cases, a shortage of essential equipment and treatments. Virus spread can transcend vaccine-derived immunity as it transforms into many different strains of concern (VOCs) that are resistant to antibody-mediated neutralization.
The latest VOCs, which show a rapidly increasing incidence worldwide, are delta strains that have already been found in more than 100 countries. In addition to the alpha and beta versions, we are ready to spread at unprecedented speed.
Delta and other highly infectious variants are causing a wave of catastrophic cases, which leads to numerous hospitalizations and deaths.“Says Tedros Adanom Gebreyes, head of the World Health Organization (WHO).
This variant has spread to both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, with the latter having a higher proportion of symptomatological cases, quickly overwhelming medical services and timely medical care. Will make it impossible to save lives. Its growth is so rapid that WHO states that it will probably become the dominant stock in the world in the very near future.
Even countries that have successfully avoided the early waves of the virus with public health measures alone are now in the midst of a catastrophic outbreak.“Gebreyesus commented.
Vaccines are effective
Citing this, vaccine companies are creating booster shots to extend their reach to these strains. And Gebreyesus says.Some countries and regions are the most vulnerable, actually ordering millions of boosters before others have access to supplies to immunize health care workers... “
Currently, WHO Covax co-leader Ann Lindstrand and WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan say that two WHO-approved vaccines provide a high degree of protection against symptomatological COVID-19. I have. Despite the fact that the Delta strain causes many infections in already vaccinated populations, most of these are mild and do not require hospitalization.
“People in the hospital are not vaccinated,” explains Swaminasan. Therefore, the decision to guide a vaccine to boost the immunity of an already vaccinated person should be based on actual data, not on company-published promotions.
Gebreyesus emphasized this warning, with vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer not prioritizing the supply of a third vaccine to already vaccinated populations, but global vaccines such as the COVAX Global Initiative Africa Vaccine Acquisition Task. He said he needs to do everything in his power to supply the provider. Teams, and low- and middle-income countries.
“Enlightened self-interest”
The magnitude of the outbreak and its deteriorating trends promise to delay global recovery, whether in the area of health or the resumption of the economy. Obvious emergencies have moved to developing countries, but Gebreyesus reminds us that the whole world is not yet at risk, even in countries that have already achieved relatively high vaccination rates.
Countries that are vaccinated against the population are beginning to say, “It’s not our problem because we managed to control this.”They ignore other parts of the world and give the virus an opportunity to circulate.. “
Call it “Enlightened self-interestGebreyesus explains that the virus will continue to circulate as long as the pandemic continues, that is, unless the country is vaccinated. The obstacle to united behavior is greed, he says.
Resource sharing
The WHO Executive Secretary also called for sharing of licenses and technologies to extend vaccine production to other parts of the world. Citing the example of AstraZeneca, which has started production in India, South Korea, Australia and Japan and plans to start more factories, Tedros has resulted in COVAX, a global vaccine initiative. Explain that it will be accessible to hundreds of millions of people at the dose required to vaccinate the low and middle income groups.
Currently, donated doses are at least an order of magnitude lower. Gebreyesus needs “Overall, no regrets accelerating the construction of a new vaccine manufacturing hub.. Today, many countries have money to pay for vaccines, but access to vaccines is denied due to lack of supply. Therefore, he seeks global leadership to rapidly expand vaccine production.
He said, “The united effort on a global scale is”Pandemic InfernoWhen you put it in the spot, you can smolder the fire everywhere, and as a result, “The spark will eventually move and grow again into a roaring furnace.. “
Journal reference:
- Delta’s growing COVID-19 booster strategy highlights “disappointing inequality”: WHO. United Nations
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