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The Covid vaccine was “discarded because not enough people came forward.”

The Covid vaccine was “discarded because not enough people came forward.”


Administrator Coronavirus vaccine It is reportedly told to throw away the stock due to the decline in young people who choose to get the first jab.

Attempts to use surplus vaccines in people waiting for a second jab have also been thwarted by strict government guidance, according to anonymous sources. The Daily Telegraph..

“For the past two weeks, we’ve literally put vaccines in bottles,” said a vaccinated person in northeastern England.

They added that while most people who want their first dose have already gone forward, “hesitation” is preventing more people from coming forward.

Over 87% of the population is initially vaccinated, but slightly less than 60% for those aged 18-25. “Some people don’t show up because they’ve been vaccinated elsewhere,” sources claimed, criticizing the futile attitude of throwing away the drug.

“It’s a shame because poor countries are anxious for vaccines,” they said.

The Joint Committee for Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) currently recommends an interval of 8-12 weeks. COVID-19 vaccine doses, behind the scenes of studies suggesting that it provides greater immunity.

scientist This week, we described the 8-week interval as a “sweet spot.” For those who have obtained Pfizer Jab, studies have shown that more neutralizing antibodies and “helper” T cells are produced against delta and other variant of concern than the 3-week schedule. Was shown.

Vaccines were told to strictly follow the guidance, which sometimes means throwing away the vaccine instead of giving it to people before, an unnamed source said.

This is not the first time such a claim has been made. Back in February, GP Magazine pulse The British Medical Association (BMA) said in an email that it continued to hear reports from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which “requests vaccine discontinuation” rather than a second dose or “another cohort.”

Although it is forbidden to close the gap between the first and second doses as it is today, the BMA provides the first jab outside the first four priority cohorts when there is a vaccine “risk”. It reminded the GP that it was possible to take measures such as doing so. Waste.

In an email sent to general practitioners nationwide, BMA said: “I would like to reiterate that NHSE / I has made it clear that the use of all vaccines is a top priority and therefore not intentionally wasted.

“All sites should have a preliminary list that can be used to invite patients and medical professionals to maximize the use of unused vaccines rather than wasting them. “

Some healthcare professionals are now seeking to reduce the dose gap to four weeks to avoid wasting vaccines.

Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said shortening the distance between Pfizer and Moderna could also be beneficial for young people. “If we give young people such additional immunity early on, it may actually help slow down. [of infection] Or in some cases you can even reverse it, “he said. Telegraph..

Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi supported the government’s decision this week to stick to the eight-week gap, following JCVI’s advice.

“We competed to provide the vaccine to all adults, so we received JCVI’s advice to reduce the dosing interval from 12 to 8 weeks to protect more people from delta mutations. “He said.

“I strongly recommend that all adults be vaccinated with both vaccines to protect themselves and those around you. To ensure that this protection is maintained, from September We aim to provide millions of the most vulnerable booster jabs. “

Independent Are in contact with Ministry of Public Health For comments.




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