According to public health officials, the goal is to vaccinate 90% of Ontarians with targeted measures
Ontario public health officials believe that by focusing on people who are hesitant to get the vaccine and administering it directly to people, the state can fully immunize 90% of the population against COVID-19. Stated.
Dr. Kieran Moore, a health officer in Ontario, said there was an “ambitious goal” to vaccinate 90 percent of eligible Ontario citizens as part of what the state calls a “last mile strategy.” Stated. If that goal is achieved, he said Ontario could be released from the pandemic wave in six to eight months.
“When you are immunized, it’s a community act,” Moore told reporters this week.
Dr. Vinita Duvey, Associate Medical Officer in Toronto, and Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer in the Peel area, are striving to reach people whose public health department does not yet have the first shot of COVID-19. A vaccine to delay the fourth wave of the pandemic. Delta Variant is currently the predominant strain in Ontario.
According to Dubey, Toronto Public Health (TPH) includes mobile clinics and community ambassadors who talk to people about vaccinations, encourage them to go to the clinic and collect information on why people are not vaccinated. I am using a hyperlocal strategy. She said the TPH is also working with schools and boards of education to reach young people.
In addition, TPH hopes that vaccination policies at work, businesses, higher education institutions and entertainment events will ultimately encourage people to take both shots.
Only 3 to 5 percent of people absolutely refuse vaccination, Dubay said. The TPH hopes that all its efforts will shake those who are hesitant but not “rejectors.” For some, access remains an issue, she added.
“These are the people we classically call sitting on the fence and have now chosen not to be vaccinated, but are still willing to hear the information and decide. What we are trying to target is an individual who is really hesitant about the vaccine, “she said.
“Many people may have decided.’I’ll just wait and see how this works.’ But now you have more information about why vaccines are safe. And can provide them with experience. “
Dubey said he believes the state’s new vaccination goals will be met. “I think we can plan to achieve more than 90 percent,” she said.
Law said he was tracking an increase in COVID-19 cases in a local hospital, where patients were usually not vaccinated twice. He added that 73 percent of the population in the eligible Peel area is fully vaccinated.
“The delta virus is moving fast,” Law said.
Vaccination limits epidemics, hospitalizations and deaths, he added. A total of 250,000 residents of the Peel region have not received the first shot, 152,000 have not received the second shot, and 207,000 under the age of 12 are not eligible for vaccination.
President Roh urged the state to implement a vaccine certificate program.
“In the short term, vaccination certificates can help reduce infections and limit risk for unvaccinated people in situations where preventive measures cannot be consistently maintained,” Loh said.
Peel Public Health urged all employers in the Peel region on Wednesday to review and update the COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan required under the Ontario Resumption Act.
- Consider promoting COVID-19 vaccination of workers.
- Assess whether you can mitigate workplace risk by implementing a vaccination certification policy for your staff.
“Vaccination is currently the best defense against serious illness and death from COVID-19 and may also support short-term and long-term business continuity and a safer work environment,” Loh said. Stated.
Moore said that when Ontario reaches a vaccination rate of over 90%, that level of immunity limits the spread of the community and is immunosuppressed, including children, unvaccinated people, and people. He said he was confident that it would benefit people. I am receiving chemotherapy.
This rate will also lead to reduced hospitalizations and reduced use of intensive care units, he said.
“Our strategy in Ontario is to build the highest level of protection if we want to return to a new state of affairs, which will protect us all,” he said.
“It reduces the overall risk and instead of having the waves we have to endure, there are small outbreaks where we learn to live together, which has less impact on the healthcare system and we We have begun to withdraw some of our public health measures … which can happen as early as 6 to 8 months from now, “he continued.
According to Moore, 82.3% of eligible Ontarians over the age of 12 received the first COVID-19 vaccine and 75% received the second.
In a news release on Tuesday, the Ontario government said it was embarking on a “last mile strategy.” This means that we continue to make vaccines readily available, especially in areas where vaccination rates are low.
The state also calls people who haven’t booked a second shot yet. Areas with low immunity are identified by zip code.
According to the government, more than 110,000 second bookings were booked or rebooked due to a phone call.
“Ontario in the last mile of a very long marathon,” officials say
As part of its strategy, the state and public health sectors are focusing on what is called a smaller, community-based, accessible setting for vaccination. This includes mobile clinics and community pop-ups, dedicated clinic days for families with disabilities, and town hall meetings in several languages.
The government added that a key element of its strategy is to deliver the vaccine directly to people. This includes the GO-VAXX Bus Clinic in Ontario. The bath clinic received 1,100 vaccinations, 42% of which were the first dose.
Moore told reporters that Ontario is “the last mile of a very long marathon.”
For those who are hesitant about vaccines, “I know I have to answer these individual questions. It will take longer. Build confidence in your immunity. All early adopters will be immunized. I have. “
He added that the remaining holdouts would be the most difficult to reach.
“But we are patient with them and build incentives for them and policies around them to best protect the vulnerable in our community.”
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