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Due to lack of blood test tubes, doctors cancel non-urgent appointments

Due to lack of blood test tubes, doctors cancel non-urgent appointments
Due to lack of blood test tubes, doctors cancel non-urgent appointments


GP surgery is working to calm patients about a shortage of blood test tube bottles that they have seen canceling non-urgent appointments.

Clinic doctors are said to need only urgent blood tests until at least September 17 due to the shortage of test bottles nationwide.

The NHS England (NHSE) has ordered an unprecedented significant reduction in blood tests as a result of severe and severe vial shortages in hospitals and GP surgery.

Maryport Health Services seeks to reassure patients that safety is always their primary concern and that all tests they perform are essential.

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A spokeswoman said: “All general practitioners are informed that there is a national shortage of locally used blood test bottles.

“These are sourced and provided by NHS England.

“I was instructed by NHSE that only urgent blood tests should be done until at least September 17th.

“This affects both general practitioners and hospitals. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do in practice about this. Supply conditions are not in our control.

“To reassure you, our main concern is, as always, safety first. We will do everything we can to ensure that the essential tests are performed. . “

Surgery sought to solve some of the main questions patients may have to reassure their concerns.

Human blood sample in medical lab
Human blood sample in medical lab

What does urgent mean?

A spokesman said: “It means a blood test needed for an emergency cancer referral, a blood test needed for a safe prescription of a particular drug, or a test that may help avoid hospitalization of a patient.

“Each clinical situation needs to be considered individually.”

What if I book a blood test?

A spokeswoman said, “Next week, we need to look at our booking book to see which patients should be delayed and which should not be delayed. Please wait for us to contact you.

“If you don’t hear anything, join the reservation as arranged.”

What if I have a chronic illness like diabetes?

The spokesman continued: “We will probably have to delay any” routine “monitoring blood tests.

“The senior clinical team assesses whether it is safe to postpone testing an individual patient for some time until the supply chain returns to normal.

“But if your chronic illness requires a blood test for safety reasons, we will do our best to classify it for you, assuming the area has not completely run out of bottles. I will do my best.

“Remember that we can’t control supply status. We’re in the hands of NHSE like you. We’re following their guidance. It’s definitely updated as the situation changes. increase.”

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