The Truth About Obesity and Coronavirus – From “Lung Crush” to Organ Failure When Your Body Is “Severe Strained” – The Sun
The news of overweight British people can be disastrous in the past two weeks, doubling the risk of hospitalization, 37% higher mortality and lack of post-hospital equipment.
And experts supported the theory of the link between obesity and higher risk from Covid-19 and found that it could prove a lethal combination-several organ failure and shattering Cause respiratory system.
Only a few weeks ago, weight loss expert Ahmed Ahmed directly saw that overweight people seemed to be most badly hit by the virus.
His normal weight loss surgery is now stalled, servicing the ICU ward in London, saying that most of the patients found there under the age of 70 were overweight or obese.
I remembered that a 47-year-old man, classified as “mildly obese,” was placed on a ventilator within hours of being allowed.
It was compelled, along with more health professionals, to ask the UK to focus on weight loss to improve their chances if they had the coronavirus, if they had the coronavirus.
In fact, for many, he claims that losing just 5 BMI points can reduce the risk to 50%, telling Sun Online: “Because age, gender, and ethnicity cannot change, obesity can be treated to reduce the risk of serious illness / mortality for Covid-19.”
Now, experts uncover the truth behind the alleged link between obesity and the risk of coronaviruses …
“There is a high probability that you will be hospitalized twice.”
Shocking research Recently, he claimed that being obese could double the risk of requiring hospital treatment for coronaviruses.
Scientists at the University of Glasgow reviewed data from more than 400,000 people and found that as body mass index increased, the risk of severe cases of Covid-19 also increased.
Paul Wales of the University of Glasgow told The Times: “Many different studies have confirmed that obese patients tend to get worse. Obese people are more likely to be hospitalized at Covid.”
On the other hand, data collected from 17,000 patients with coronavirus found that the mortality rate for obese people was 37% higher.
The link has not yet been proven, but Ahmed’s favored theory is: “So far, the exact causal mechanism has not yet been elucidated, but it appears that coronaviruses are attacking the respiratory system of obese people.
The theory is also supported by obesity surgeon Kesava Mannur. “Obesity may be a risk factor for COVID-19-related mortality because it has been shown to increase vulnerability to infection.”
“Overdrive and the interstitial lung immune system”
Typical symptoms of Covid-19 include persistent cough, fever / body temperature, and dyspnea.
And the latter is particularly relevant to Mr. Ahmed.
“Obesity has complications anyway, but at Covid-19 my own hypothesis [that] Certainly associated with poor outcomes … more severe lung disease, high risk of needing a ventilator and considerable.
“My theory is for people who are suffering a lot with Covid-19 because their immune system is overreacting.
“For decades, we knew obesity was a proinflammatory condition. They had Covid-19 because they already have an element of inflammatory condition because of their obesity. People who are obese may be getting worse when they get.
“Their immune system is in a harsh state, essentially destroying the lungs.”
In addition, obese people, who are defined as those with a BMI of 30 or higher, may also suffer from sleep apnea and asthma.
“Even on that basis, they already have low lung function, and the Covid-19 stress on them, basically tilting them off the edge,” he says.
Mannur also agrees, saying that there is increasing pressure on the diaphragm from excess fat. This can have a major impact on the entire respiratory system.
“As we get fat, the abdomen pushes the diaphragm up and restricts thorax space, resulting in lower lung capacity, reduced lung reserve, and higher O2 and energy requirements,” he said. Explains. “The body is always in” overdrive “mode. “
In essence, it is associated with a virus that has already been shown to attack the weak respiratory system.
Multiple organ failure
Lockdown has hit all British people a lot over the past few weeks, although many can still get out of some that are still classified as “vulnerable” but remain indoors and human. There is little or no contact with.
Among them are people who suffer from diabetes or heart disease-only two conditions closely associated with obesity.
by World Obesity Federation“Coronaviruses can cause more serious symptoms and complications in people with obesity-related conditions.”
Ahmed said: “Obese people generally have a higher incidence of organ disease.
“Normally, obesity attacks the lungs, but it also attacks the heart, kidneys, liver, and pancreas because of its association with diabetes.
“But what is surprising is that when treating obesity, almost all of these conditions are reversible or large depressions can be created to improve the condition.”
In fact, Ahmed recently confirmed the effects of coronaviruses on multiple organs while working in the ICU ward in London.
“I remember a 47 year old man actually being on the waiting list for weight loss surgery.
“He was going to put it in a gastric bypass in about six months, and unfortunately he caught the virus in the meantime.
He obviously had problems with his heart as well as his lungs. He needed to take medicine to maintain his blood pressure, and his kidneys were beginning to weaken.
“He was hospitalized through an emergency room and his condition worsened overnight, so he had to undergo intensive care.
“He was mechanically ventilated and needed additional drug infusions to maintain blood pressure.
“When this large inflammatory response occurs, not only one organ is affected, but other organs fail.
“He obviously had problems not only with his lungs, but also with his heart. He needed to take medicine to maintain blood pressure, and his kidneys were starting to debilitate.
“Sadly I don’t know exactly what happened, but I don’t think he survived.”
Obese people often have comorbidities-there are one or more additional conditions in addition to the major ones-Mannur said, “These are at high risk of kidney failure, respiratory failure, heart failure, We need a lot of support. ”
“Their reserves are low and they are in a heavy burden when faced with illness or complications.”
Research supports theory
Recent research A hospital in Shenzhen, China found that overweight and obese patients are at increased risk of developing pneumonia.
Researchers focused on 383 Covid-19 patients between January and February, and found that obese people were 2.4 times more likely to develop severe pneumonia, according to the BMI. ..
on the other hand, A Study of 3,615 Covid-19 Patients by the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, It was recently discovered that people under the age of 60 with a BMI of 30 to 34 are 1.8 times more likely to require critical care in an ICU.
For patients with a BMI of 35 or higher, the chance of getting an ICU was 3.6 times.
Lack of specialized beds, equipment and hoists
There may also be a problem with the hospital equipment, as if the health problem was not sufficient to address it.
The World Obesity Federation says, “ It can cause problems in hospitals because intubating obese patients can be more difficult and obtaining imaging can be more difficult. (Because there is a weight limit on imaging equipment). [and] Patients are more difficult to place and transport by nursing staff. “
For people who are morbidly obese, the problem only gets worse.
Mannur explains: “The challenge facing the medical system is enormous and if you get sick, it is difficult to get the right type of bed, especially a special ICU bed, chairs and theater table.
“There aren’t many CT scanners that are the right size to test people who are very obese. [people].. It is generally difficult to intubate and care for them. More people are needed to take care of them.
“Many hoists [needed] Lift or move them. “
Investigate how obesity affects Covid-19’s vulnerability
Health Secretary Matt Hancock Ordered an emergency investigation last week Describes how factors such as obesity and ethnicity affect vulnerability to Covid-19.
“Our knowledge of this virus is growing daily and some groups appear to be more affected than others.
“New data around the world suggest a possible link between obesity and personal effects of Covid-19.”
But he added: “It’s too early to say if obesity itself is a factor or condition associated with it, or if there aren’t enough data to rule it out.
“Every death from this virus is a tragedy, behind each statistic is a name, loss, and a family that is never the same again.”
The review analyzes how factors such as ethnicity, gender, and obesity affect people’s vulnerability to coronaviruses.
“Loss of 5 BMI points can dramatically reduce risk.”
Approximately one-third of adults in the UK are obese with a BMI of more than 30, and the latest figures show that Britain has the highest per capita mortality rate in Europe, the only country behind Ireland. I will.
But for most people with a BMI of 30 and above, losing just 5 BMI points can dramatically reduce the risk of coronavirus, says Ahmed.
“People absolutely have to take this seriously. From the research I examined, they don’t need to lose a lot of weight-and it’s assumed that Covid-19 doubles the risk of your bad consequences. For example, if you’re obese-for most people, reducing your BMI by about 5 points, or about 2 stones for people of average height, may be enough to reduce your risk of bad Covid-19 results by 50%. ..
“It’s rough math, but if you put those assumptions on board, it’s just a slight weight loss for the big results.”
Ahmed is now seeking a higher priority for weight loss surgery-arguing that reducing obesity in the UK could potentially reduce the risk of coronaviruses, too.
“This puts your life at risk,” he says. “We know that the prevalence of obesity is high, so why not treat these people more early and early so that we can reduce the burden on the ICU and NHS?”
“Dieting is not the way to do it”
Deputy Prime Minister Science Advisor Dame Angela McLean said Obese Was an “additional risk factor” Coronavirus Patients in the hospital-whether intensive care is needed or eventually died.
We also called on overweight people to review their lifestyles and protect themselves from the coronavirus and other illnesses.
In a Downing Street press conference on Wednesday, she said: “ In fact, there is very good evidence from pretty beautiful studies, collected from hospital patients using Covid-19, that these studies lead to admission to the ICU or even actual death. Additional risk factors for.
“My understanding of how to lose weight is that dieting is not the way to do it.
“What you have to do is actually decide to completely change your lifestyle. You have to decide not only to diet but to do something that lasts. not.
“I understand that it’s really hard to do, but every situation-a pandemic or no pandemic-is better not to be obese.”
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