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Major changes in Covid-19 measures that may be announced by the government prior to the NHS winter tensions

Major changes in Covid-19 measures that may be announced by the government prior to the NHS winter tensions


This summer, the British got out of the shadow of Covid’s rules and restrictions, many gave way and others stayed.

A few months after seeing some abandonment and restrictions relaxed, the government was soon able to announce new measures.

Boris Johnson is said to be opposed to introducing further blockades, but he is expected to bring in plans to curb the current rise. coronavirus Case.

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As students return to school in Scotland, the number of cases has skyrocketed, and as a result, hospitals are feeling tense.

Vaccination continues to be seen as the best defense against the virus, but Hallive reports that other measures are likely to be taken to avoid further crises within the NHS as winter approaches.

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The prime minister is also expected to unveil the largest ever flu jab campaign unfolded at the same time, without re-imposing a national blockade thanks to the vaccination program.

Some of the emergency measures that may be deployed to avoid having pubs and schools closed again are forced masking, office reopening, and the resurgence of some social distance rules. there is.

Johnson will announce this week, but Downing Street has not yet confirmed the exact date and time of his address.

Here are some of the measures that may be introduced this fall:

12-15 year old vaccine

Vaccinations for students aged 12 to 15 are “set to start in a few weeks.”

A large program could start at school within two weeks, perhaps on September 22nd.

This decision is based on a report led by Chris Whitty, along with health ministers from all four countries.

As with any school’s immune program, parental or parental consent is required.

Earlier this week, Johnson said: “Thanks to the efforts of the people, the NHS, and the incredible vaccination program, we have reached Step 4 of the roadmap and our lives have returned to normal.

“These extraordinary times required necessary but annoying measures, but I am determined to remove the forces we no longer need to protect the vaccine.

“I will soon embark on the next phase of Covid’s response.”

The government also hopes that the Independent Joint Commission on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) will recommend details of the Jab Booster Program next week.

Booster Jab

The government hopes that the Independent Joint Commission on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) will recommend details of the Jab Booster Program next week.

We plan to start giving booster jabs to the most vulnerable people as early as this month.

However, Professor Andrew Pollard, who developed the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine by the team, said on Friday that he believed that people should prioritize donating the vaccine to countries that are still waiting for their first dose.

Face mask

Ominously, Johnson’s official spokesman told the Guardian this week that the NHS should be ready to face a “difficult time” this winter.

This could mean that mandatory face mask wear will be revived in the event of a surprising increase in infection rates, despite the lack of solid plans.

Since July, it is no longer required to be worn in crowded indoor public spaces.

Downing Street is said to be considered a better move than re-imposing the rules of social distance, as it has less direct impact on the economy.

It’s not clear exactly where it should be worn, but it’s probably in a closed space with a particular focus on public transport and supermarkets.

However, there is one measure that will not be introduced.

Vaccination passport

You will see another day and another government U-turn.

Health Minister Sajid Javid told Adrew Marshaw on Sunday that plans for a vaccine passport to attend night clubs and major events in the UK could not proceed.

He told the BBC, “We shouldn’t do anything for it.”

The plan, which was criticized by the venue and some members of parliament, was expected to be introduced at the end of this month.

The plan required the general public to prove that they had been vaccinated twice with the Covid-19 vaccine to attend clubs and other crowded events.

The Nighttime Industry Association said the plan could have crippled the industry and saw nightclubs facing discrimination cases.

However, Mr. Havid said:

“We have considered it properly. We need to keep it in reserve as a potential option, but we are pleased not to proceed with the vaccine passport plan.”

But that seems to be a change in government attitude from just a week ago.

On the same TV show last week, Vaccine Minister Nadym Zahawi will launch a vaccine passport scheme for a crowded site at the end of September, as two jabs were offered to everyone over the age of 18. Said that it was the right time. The best way to keep the night industry open. “

Expensive PCR test “discarded”

Holidaymakers returning to the UK have been reported to be less likely to have to jump into expensive PCR Covid tests if they had two jabs under new government regulations.

The aim is to bring about changes before the next half-year break for people from countries listed in green and amber, and there will be cheaper lateral flow tests instead of PCR requirements, Mail on Sunday. Will report.

Part of the plan also means that travelers will no longer have to take the Covid test when leaving the UK.

It follows many criticisms that PCR providers are using it by pushing up the cost of testing and making travel very expensive.

Today, a typical family of four can cost more than £ 600 on a PCR test, and the Competition and Markets Authority is reported to have received many complaints about “dangerous pricing practices.”

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