Explanation: Why is the development of coronavirus vaccine delayed?
oi-Ajay Joseph Large P
New Delhi, May 20: Due to the increasing number of cases of coronavirus, there is news about the invention of a new vaccine that could combat the epidemic of COVID-19. But there are some other distant approaches where the invention of the vaccine is not as close as we think.
According to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is also a survivor of the coronavirus, the invention of the vaccine has a long way to go, saying that the vaccine may not come true.
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What are the steps in the process of developing a vaccine?
Clearly, vaccine development is a long process that can lose momentum at every stage. There is also another validity issue. On the other hand, there are some other questions about how vaccines work in the real world for efficacy.
According to the protocol, once candidates have been identified, they should be tested for safety and efficacy in three phases. In the fourth stage, post-marketing data collection and analysis will be performed.
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In the case of this coronavirus, more than 100 vaccines have been developed around the world, some were developed from scratch, some were developed from existing molecules developed for other diseases There is also.
What is Oxford University’s position regarding vaccine development?
Recently, Oxford University is reportedly announced that it is ready to test vaccine candidates developed from the cold virus, which has already established human safety.
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“ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is made from a virus (ChAdOx1). This is a weakened version of a common cold virus that causes chimpanzee infections and is genetically altered so that it cannot grow in humans. The genetic material is added to the ChAdOx1 construct and used to make proteins from the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) called the spike glycoprotein (S). ”
Meanwhile, according to a recent report, the university announced the results of a vaccine test against macaques. “We observed a significant reduction in viral load in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and airway tissues of vaccinated animals challenged with SARS-CoV-2 compared to control animals, with no pneumonia observed in vaccinated rhesus monkeys.” Simply put, this vaccine did not prevent new viruses, it did prevent pneumonia.
What position does CanSino Biologics take on the invention of the vaccine?
According to some reports, Hong Kong-listed company CanSino Biologics is testing the vaccine. The Phase 1 trial was recently approved and the vaccine is moving to Phase 2, which is now “based on preliminary safety data from Phase 1 clinical trials”.
Imperial College London
The British government is reportedly funding a vaccine effort at the Imperial University of London. Professor Robin Shattock and his team, head of the Mucosal Infections and Immune Division of the British School of Medicine, developed the vaccine within 14 days of obtaining the viral gene sequence from China. However, the vaccine is said to have not been tested in animals. Researchers are expected to move to human trials in the near future. The professor was quoted as saying that the vaccine might be available sometime next year.
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