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“Carnivorous” sexually transmitted diseases are gaining worldwide attention, do Americans need to worry?

“Carnivorous” sexually transmitted diseases are gaining worldwide attention, do Americans need to worry?


Rare “carnivorous” sexually transmitted diseases have received a lot of attention after doctors have suggested that they are becoming more common in the UK.

Shri Datter, MD, From MyHealthCare Clinic Independent STI donovanosis, which causes “Beephy Red” ulcers, “is becoming more common on these beaches.” Notable: data According to the British Public Health Service, only 30 cases of donovanosis were reported in the UK in 2019.

STI also ignited TikTok, surgeon Karan Raj Now-Viral Video The increase in cases in the UK is “terrifying.”


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Recent reports of the virus are centered around the United Kingdom, but it’s not surprising to ask if donovanosis can affect people in the United States. Here’s what everyone needs to know about STI.

What is Donovanosis?

Donabanosis, also known as inguinal granuloma, is a disease caused by bacteria. Klebsiella granulomatosis According to it causes ulcers around your genitals Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The disease is chronic and recurrent, meaning that it can continue to recur in infected people.

Donovanosis spreads primarily through vaginal or anal sex, but it can also spread during oral sex. National Library of Medicine..

According to the CDC, the disease “rarely” appears in the United States, but there have been sporadic cases in the past in Australia, India, South Africa, and South America.

How common is donovanosis in the United States?

About 100 cases are reported each year in the United States. National Library of Medicine To tell. However, most of these cases are people who have recently traveled to or came from where donovanosis is common.

What are the symptoms of donovanosis?

According to the CDC, symptoms of the disease can appear 1 to 12 weeks after someone is infected. According to the National Library of Medicine, symptoms include the following:

  • Pain in the anal area
  • Small, reddish red ridges around the genitals or anus
  • Raised, reddish, velvety nodules called granulation tissue
  • Loss of skin color on the genitals and the skin around them

    According to the National Library of Medicine, donovanosis moves slowly and is destroyed as genital tissue expands. According to the CDC, it can also spread to the lower abdomen and thighs.

    Donovanosis sounds freaky, but it doesn’t really hurt, says Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “Ulcers are painless and easy to bleed, but they don’t feel sick because they have no systemic symptoms,” he says. “You just put this in your crotch.”

    Donovanosis has been described as a carnivorous infection, but it’s not as bad as it sounds., Explains Dr. Thomas Russo, MD, a professor at the University at Buffalo at the University of New York and responsible for infectious diseases. “There are major fear factors surrounding this, but after all, it’s an ulcerative infection,” he says. “Something like this, like syphilis. It’s not like a zombie apocalypse where parts suddenly start to fall.”

    How is Donovanosis treated?

    David Cennimo, MD, an assistant professor of medical infections at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, states that doctors usually need to undergo a clinical examination. “We don’t have a good diagnostic test,” he points out. However, doctors may biopsy or scrape one of the ulcers to rule out more common conditions such as syphilis and herpes, says Dr. Schaffner.

    Once diagnosed, patients take antibiotics such as azithromycin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. CDC To tell. “It can take weeks to heal,” said Amesh A. Adalha, MD, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, an infectious disease expert.

    How much should people worry about donovanosis?

    Experts say Americans don’t have to panic about this. “This is not something that Americans should worry about,” says Dr. Adalja. Dr. Schaffner agrees. “It’s not easily transmitted — it usually requires a lot of sexual encounters before someone can pass it on to someone else,” he says. “Very rare in the United States”

    However, Dr. Russo says that all current attention to donovanosis is only a good memory for practicing safe sex. “This should be an awakening call for people to take appropriate action and take appropriate precautions, such as the use of condoms,” he says. “Safer sexual activity, especially the use of condoms, will help reduce the risk of this infection,” Dr. Cennimo agrees.

    Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general health, sexual health and relationships, lifestyle trends, and has appeared in men’s health, women’s health, self, grammar and more. ..

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