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The video shows what the earthquake will do to the Highway 5 bridge

The video shows what the earthquake will do to the Highway 5 bridge


The group tasked with building a new Interstate 5 bridge has created an animated video of the existing bridge collapsing in an earthquake. She hopes the video, which she posted on social media, will raise awareness of the need for a new bridge.

The video shows digital sidewalks spinning in the sand, parts of the roads collapsing like dominoes, towers with counterweights twisting and collapsing, and a wave of water radiating from the wreckage. Kellyanne Ameko, a spokeswoman for the program, said program team members from the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program created the video. The video posted on the program’s YouTube channel, as of Monday evening, achieved 1,125 views.

“IBR brings awareness of how the bridge reacts in a seismic event, why replacement is necessary and how to prepare by sharing animations of what can happen to the Interstate Bridge Area during a magnitude 8 Cascadia region earthquake.” said Ray Mabe, assistant program director.

The foundations of the existing bridge were laid in sandy soil on wooden piles. “Vibration from the earthquake is likely to cause soil liquefaction, resulting in movement of the entire structure and loss of support,” Mabe said in the video.

He said other bridges with similar foundations failed during earthquakes, including the 1989 Oakland Bay Bridge, California.

If the bridge fails, it will likely be loaded with cars and trucks.

In 2020, about 120,361 vehicles crossed the I-5 bridge daily; Even during the pandemic, the number was much higher than in 1982, when 109,786 cars passed over the bridge. That year, the Highway 205 bridge opened to ease congestion. At the peak of 2019, about 138,530 vehicles crossed the I-5 bridge on an average weekday, according to the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council.

“This bridge, which spans a federal waterway between two cities in two different states, is a vital link for both passengers and commercial trucks. I-5 is a vital trade route not only to our local and regional economies, but also to the national and international economies,” Vancouver Mayor Ann McNerney wrote. – Ogle. “The video clearly shows the horrific potential consequences of a major seismic event, and the devastating disruption effect it can have. It visually underscores the urgent need to address the replacement of the existing 100-year-old Interstate Bridge.”

The bridge replacement program is considering some options for a bridge to be built to the west of the existing I-5 bridge.

Some residents push other options, including several other bridges between Clark County and Oregon.

How about the tunnel?

Bob Ortblad, retired professional civil engineer and certified public accountant. He claims that the tunnel will be less expensive, have a positive environmental impact, and will be safer for both traffic and in the event of an earthquake.

“The three current options for the IBR program are steel truss designs similar to the 100-year-old bridge. However, these designs would have trusses 10 times heavier…these designs would be very complex in terms of engineering and costly if they were to withstand an earthquake of a magnitude 8 or 9 ‘,” he wrote in an email to The Columbian.

In late August, the project’s engineers decided the tunnel wouldn’t be a viable option, according to a seven-page memo.

According to Greg Johnson, director of the bridge program, the tunnel will create “significant out-of-way travel for drivers, freight, transit users, cyclists and pedestrians; inability to connect to existing connections such as Interstate 14, downtown Vancouver and Hayden Island; safety concerns for cyclists and pedestrians; and archaeological and cultural impacts In addition, the cost estimates for the (tunnel) would be approximately two times higher than the cost estimates for a bridge and alternative approaches.




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