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Use of cannabis during pregnancy associated with having an anxious child

Use of cannabis during pregnancy associated with having an anxious child


  • According to a new study, the use of cannabis during pregnancy is associated with having children with higher levels of stress and anxiety.
  • I have Established link Between cannabis use in children’s mothers and neurodevelopmental problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Many unknowns about maternal cannabis use remain, and doctors continue to advise on cannabis use during pregnancy due to potential harm to the fetus.

Cannabis use during pregnancy may be associated with children with levels of anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity Research Was published in Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences Monday.

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and City University of New York sampled the placenta of pregnant women. Researchers have discovered changes in immune system genes. This may explain why the children were more anxious later in life.

I have Established link Between cannabis use in children and neurodevelopmental problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

There are many uncertainties about the effects of cannabis on the developing foetation, but doctors continue to advise mothers on the use of cannabis because of the potential for short-term and long-term harm. ..

“It certainly contributed to increased knowledge about the risks associated with cannabis use during pregnancy and now further supports the takeaway message to women that our understanding does not recommend the use of cannabis during pregnancy and lactation. I will do it. ” Dr. Jordan Tishler, Harvard Medical School Medical Instructor, Cannabinoid Specialists Association..

The research team studied placental gene expression and early childhood behavior in 322 mother-child pairs.

When the children were 6 years old, researchers measured their heart function through electrocardiography and measured hormone levels through hair samples.

The child’s behavioral and emotional function was also evaluated by the survey.

The researchers found that children whose mother used cannabis during pregnancy had higher levels of anxiety, aggression, hyperactivity, and stress.

These children also have abnormal heart rates, which are associated with greater stress sensitivity.

Placental sampling revealed that maternal cannabis use was associated with irregularities in immune-related genes, according to researchers. This can explain why the children had greater anxiety.

according to Dr. Scott KrakowerThe use of cannabis by mothers, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, New York, was previously associated with exacerbation of disorders such as ADHD and neurodevelopmental problems in later children. ..

“This study strengthened it … and they used hormones and the placenta to show that there are changes in the overall immune cascade, which can lead to exacerbation of anxiety and hyperactivity. “That was, said Krakower.

Cannabis is one of The most common medications used during pregnancy, And the use of maternal cannabis has been On an upward trend Given the increased legalization.

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Cannabis use during pregnancy is estimated at 2-5 percent. That estimate increases from 15 to 28 percent among young, urban, and socially disadvantaged women.

Many people believe that it is safer to use cannabis than to smoke during pregnancy. However, animal models show that cannabis active chemicals can cross the placenta.

Scientists are still learning about the link between cannabis use during pregnancy and its effects on fetal development, but findings show that fetal exposure to cannabinoids can adversely affect brain development. Suggests.

Previous studies have used maternal cannabis Decreased attention When Behavioral problems For children.

Because cannabis products are not strictly regulated, it is difficult to know the exact efficacy of what someone is taking and can be dangerous to both children and mothers.

There are reports that cannabis causes psychosis and exacerbates psychotic and mood symptoms.

“If the mother is successful, the baby will be successful. However, if the mother’s mental health is not good or if she ingests other substances or things, the baby’s results may not be as good as you want. No, “Cracower said.

Krakower says there is a strong correlation between anxiety and cannabis use. However, it is unclear why cannabis users are more anxious.

“It’s because A, you’re more likely to use marijuana with anxiety, or B, because using marijuana can make your anxiety worse in the long run,” says Krakower. ..

If the mother has anxiety in the first place, the anxiety may be transmitted to the child.

“Is the child anxious anyway? I’m not sure,” Krakower said, but noted that “access to neuroendocrine” could change.

There may be other factors that contribute to the mental health of the child, but they are not explained in this study.

“There is no explanation for life events from pregnancy to the start of the study. For example, I grew up in a family where trauma and anxiety of parents, parents and siblings are part of everyday life,” Tishler said. ..

Further studies to track mothers and their children from pregnancy to adulthood are needed to better understand the short-term and long-term effects of maternal cannabis use.

New studies suggest that maternal cannabis use is associated with higher levels of anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity in later children.

Researchers believe that this is because cannabis can cause changes in genes involved in immune function, which can contribute to anxiety.

Many uncertainties remain about the use of maternal marijuana, but doctors continue to advise against the use of cannabis during pregnancy because it can harm the foetation.





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