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Lanarkshire bakery was “released” after ADHD, whose diagnosis had been overlooked for over a decade

Lanarkshire bakery was “released” after ADHD, whose diagnosis had been overlooked for over a decade


NS Lanarkshire Baker says she felt “released” when the doctor corrected the misdiagnosis of depression in ADHD.

Sarah Garvin wants to raise awareness of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to help other women get a proper diagnosis.

From 28 years old Hamilton I’ve been struggling for over 10 years after being told that her condition was depression when she was 15 years old.

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ADHD in women is often overlooked due to hormonal problems and is often not diagnosed until later in life.

This condition affects people’s behavior, is restless, and has difficulty concentrating and acting on their impulses.

Doctors believed that Sarah’s difficulty in “adjusting her emotions” was a hormonal problem and prescribed her medication to tackle teenage depression.

However, the employer believes that her doctor may not have been able to diagnose her because she is a female.

Sarah has been suffering from ADHD since she was born, but has just been diagnosed.
Sarah has been suffering from ADHD since she was born, but has just been diagnosed.
(Image: included)

Children and adults with ADHD charity, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) claim that this condition is “often overlooked” in girls.

Speaking of our sister papers Daily record, Sarah said: “I was relieved right after I was diagnosed, but I haven’t taken any medicine yet.

“I’m having a hard time making decisions, and I find it very difficult to adjust emotions that can be mistaken for anxiety.

“If something is said to be happening and it doesn’t happen, it can feel like the end of the world and you can’t rationalize the scenario in your head.

“This can cause anxiety, but it’s not the anxiety itself, but my ADHD, which is the root of the problem that needs treatment and identification.

“Women are sometimes referred to as having premenstrual syndrome and hormonal changes that can mask ADHD and autism.

“I think this is exactly what happened to me.

“We are often told that things can be hormonal, so I don’t think there are enough women considering ADHD.

“It’s really nice to know the reason behind my feelings, interact with people online and see them feeling / doing what I’m doing.

“If I’m having a bad day or doing something that doesn’t make much sense, I’m really free to be able to explain myself for good reason.”

After seeing others share her experiences on social media, Sarah began to think that she might have ADHD.

She said her mental health had reached a crisis and was looking for an answer.

Sarah then contacted her doctor and suggested that she might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder before being referred to a psychiatrist.

Since then, Hamilton’s bakery has scored high in ADHD and is now waiting for a referral to receive medication to help adjust her condition.

She explained: “I came across ADHD’s Twitter and TikTok accounts and was deeply involved in the content.

“Given the fact that I’ve been in and out for help for years, it was actually horribly simple for my GP to undoubtedly introduce me.

“Then I had to go through all my life and behavior as a child and an adult with my mother in order to receive the relevant paperwork and get an ADHD probability score.

“Then I made a zoom appointment with a psychiatrist and looked up my score for high scores in ADHD.

“Especially in childhood, females appear differently than men.

“I was destructive, hyper-talkative, but not enough to be seen by teachers as a behavioral problem that required intervention.

“I was always extroverted and confident, so they wouldn’t doubt it.”

CHADD Charity states: “ADHD in young girls is often overlooked, for unknown reasons, and many women are not diagnosed until they are adults.

“Often women will become aware of their ADHD after one of their children is diagnosed. As she learns more about ADHD, she sees many similar patterns on herself. start.

“While studies of ADHD in women lag behind those of adult men, many clinicians have found significant concerns and coexistence in women with ADHD.

“Women with ADHD may have obsessive-compulsive overeating, alcohol abuse, and chronic sleep deprivation.

“Women with ADHD often experience dysphoria, dysphoria, major depression and anxiety disorders, with similar rates of depression and anxiety disorders as men with ADHD.

“But women with ADHD experience psychological distress and appear to have a lower self-image than men with ADHD.”

Paulama Cloud, General Manager of the NHS Lanarkshire Mental Health and Learning Disability Services, said:

“Each patient is evaluated by a clinician and treatment options are given based on the results of that clinical evaluation.

“For patient confidentiality, we cannot comment on individual cases.

“We have a formal grievance process and we recommend that you always contact us this way if you want to raise concerns to enable a thorough investigation.”

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