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With the start of ZyCoV-D deployment, all of the world’s first DNA vaccines are here

With the start of ZyCoV-D deployment, all of the world’s first DNA vaccines are here


ZyCoV-D, the world’s first DNA vaccine, will be deployed in seven Indian states in specific areas with low initial dose ranges. A vaccine made by Ahmedabad-based Zydus Cadila, which was also cleared by the first Covid-19 shot. India For adolescents — Approved for emergency use in August this year. However, there are no guidelines for vaccination of minors in India. Nor is needleless vaccine the first part of a national vaccination drive. Here’s what you need to know about this homemade weapon in India’s Covid-19 vaccine weapons:

How soon will the vaccine be available?

July of this year Zydus Cadila Demands Emergency Use Authorization from the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) for the world’s first plasmid DNA vaccine after preliminary results from Phase III clinical trials show an efficacy rate of 66.6% against novel coronaviruses. Was there. New York Times The company said, “None of the volunteers vaccinated in the study developed or died of serious illness, and ZyCoV-D was first shown to be effective against Covid-19. It became a DNA-based vaccine for the disease. “

The company said the Phase III trial was conducted at 50 locations nationwide and involved more than 28,000 volunteers, saying that the trial was conducted at the peak of the second wave of Covid-19 in the country, so “new mutants, especially new mutants. Efficacy of the vaccine against delta mutants. ” In addition, the vaccine was also tried among children aged 12-18 years and found to be safe.

The company said it plans to produce the vaccine at doses of 10-12 chlores annually. Shots made by the second indigenous people Obtained regulatory approval in India after Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin.

What kind of vaccine is ZyCoV-D?

Zydus Cadila Shots belong to the category known as Gene Vaccines or Nucleic Acid Vaccines. These vaccines insert some of the genetic information of the virus into the body, urging cells to produce important components of the virus, which the immune system recognizes and attacks by producing antibodies. Works by. Gene vaccines can be based on both RNA or DNA, such as Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots used in the United States.

According to a US think tank Milken Institute“DNA-based vaccines work by inserting a genetically engineered blueprint of a viral gene into a small DNA molecule (called a plasmid) for injection into vaccinated people.” Instructions for building viral proteins that the immune system recognizes as foreign bodies provoke an immune response that protects against disease.

Although they are the front-line vaccines for novels coronavirus In many countries around the world, genetic vaccines are the first to be deployed for human use. Gavi“Several DNA vaccines have been licensed for animals, including horse vaccines against West Nile virus,” said a public-private global health partnership working on access to vaccines in poor countries.

How about dosage, storage and delivery?

Interestingly, in the world of double-dose Covid-19 vaccines (and rare single-dose shots like those created by Johnson and Johnson), the ZyCoV-D is delivered at 4-week intervals and NYT. It has been administered 3 times. The vaccine will be given on days 0, 28 and 56, with each dose given in two divided doses to each group. Therefore, to get a complete ZyCoV-D, you need to inject the vaccine 6 times. A triple dose vaccine costs the government 1,128 rupees.

However, the company also evaluated a two-dose regimen of the ZyCoV-D vaccine using a dose of 3 mg per visit and found that immunogenicity results were comparable to the current three-dose regimen. I am saying.

Another novelty of ZyCoV-D is the “intradermal vaccine” applied using a “needleless system”, when vaccination is given to those who are hesitant due to the fear of needles. There is a big advantage. “The lack of needles can also lead to a significant reduction in all types of side effects,” the company said.

In terms of logistics, the vaccine can be stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, but the company adds that it “showed good stability at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius for at least three months.” This facilitates transportation and storage. An mRNA vaccine that requires ultra-cold storage.

How Safe Are Gene Vaccines? How difficult is it to produce these?

These vaccines do not use the live components of the virus, but only some of the genetic information encoded by the virus, so they are not considered to be at risk of causing an actual infection.

In terms of production, once the viral genome is sequenced, it can be produced very easily. “Moderna’s RNA vaccine against Covid-19 entered clinical trials within two months of sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 genome,” Gavi said. Zydus Cadila states that the plasmid DNA platform “enables production with minimal biosafety requirements.” It can also be easily adapted to target future mutations.

In addition to Zydus Cadila, a small number of manufacturers around the world are looking for DNA vaccines, such as Anges, a Japanese biotechnology company partnered with Osaka University, and Inovio, which is based in the United States.

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