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Earthquake in Uttarakhand | Earthquake shakes twice in Uttarakhand, not unwanted accident

Earthquake in Uttarakhand |  Earthquake shakes twice in Uttarakhand, not unwanted accident


Dehradun (agency). Panic spreads among the people in Teri and Uttarkashi districts of Uttarakhand after tremors were felt twice. No unwanted incident has been reported so far. All dam and energy projects are safe. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, tremors from the quake were first felt at 12:23 23:19 in Tehri and Uttarkashi districts of the state. Its intensity was recorded at 3.2 on the reactor scale. It was located at 30.65 north latitude and 78.78 east longitude, at a depth of 10 km.

So far no unwanted incident has been reported from anywhere

Then I felt 3.8-degree tremors again in the same area at 2:02:47. This earthquake was felt between Nervi, Ganji Village and Dontree in Tehsil Ghansali, Teri District. Whereas Bhatwari, Dunda, Chainalisur, Barkot, Borula, Mori were felt in some parts of Tehsil district of Uttarkashi. So far no untoward incident has been reported from anywhere.

Why does an earthquake happen?

The earth mainly consists of four layers. The inner core, outer core, mantle and crust, crust and core of the upper mantle are called the lithosphere. This 50 km thick layer is divided into several sections called tectonic plates. These tectonic plates continue to move in place. When these plates move a lot, an earthquake is felt. These panels can move from their positions both horizontally and vertically. Next, it searches for its place while it remains stationary, as one plate is placed under the other plate.

How is the intensity of an earthquake measured?

The Richter scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake. This is called the Richter volume test scale. Earthquakes are measured on a scale from 1 to 9 on the Richter scale. An earthquake is measured from its epicenter.

What is the Richter scale?

The vibration in the ground during an earthquake is called the Richter scale or the magnitude. The full name of the Richter Scale is the Richter Score Test (Richter Test Scale). The higher the intensity of an earthquake on the Richter scale, the greater the vibrations in the ground. As the intensity of the earthquake increases, so does the damage. For example, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale will cause more damage. Whereas an earthquake of magnitude 3 or 4 will be light.

The country is divided into four different regions

In fact, the country was divided into four different regions in relation to the earthquake. According to the mapping of the total seismic zones, it includes zone 5 to zone 2. Zone 5 is considered the most sensitive, and similarly zone 2 is considered the least sensitive.

What can happen Depending on the intensity of the earthquake, the effect of earthquakes with a magnitude of 0 to 1.9 is detected only by seismographs. An earthquake with a magnitude of 2 to 2.9 on the Richter scale causes only mild tremors. During an earthquake of magnitude 3 to 3.9, it looks like a truck has passed by your side. An earthquake of magnitude 4 to 4.9 can break windows. Household items may vibrate with a strength of 5 to 5.9. An earthquake of magnitude 6 to 6.9 can cause cracks in the foundations of buildings. An earthquake of magnitude 7 to 7.9 can cause buildings to collapse. Large bridges can also collapse in an earthquake of magnitude 8 to 8.9. Earthquakes greater than 9 can cause complete destruction. If the sea is nearby, a tsunami can also occur. What do you do in the event of an earthquake? If you are at home after the earthquake, try sitting on the floor. Or if you have a table or furniture in your home, sit under it and cover your head with your hand. Stay indoors during an earthquake and only get out after the earthquakes have stopped. During an earthquake, turn off all power switches in the house.

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