Why are characters as good as monsters
Tremors is the fantastic horror comedy film directed by Ron Underwood that started the era of sweet and scary storytelling in the ’90s. The film follows a group of people in the Nevada desert fleeing massive, people-eating sand monsters. It made a box office profit and went up that year, in 1990, against heavyweight Born on the Fourth of July. What made the film a hit at the time, and well worth re-watching, was the cunning strength and diversity of the cast. The characters take you through the tricks of monsters with wit and camaraderie and make Tremors an unforgettable viewing experience.
The main characters are made up of a bunch of different character types, from comedy and camp to control and serious. Together, they are a mixture of personalities. The group consists of two self-employed, outdoorsy workers, Val Mackie (Kevin Bacon) and Earl Bassett (Fred Ward), visiting Ph. A seismology student named Rhonda (Vinn Carter), and a local couple are Heather (Reba McIntyre) and Bert Gummer (Michael Gross). Val and Earl set the mood for Tremors with their banter, as they clash over cigarettes, make breakfast, and begin their singles jobs for the day (while tying up barbed wire: “This is a job for smart men.” “Show me one, I’ll ask him.”)
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They meet Rhonda, whose originality contrasts with Val and Earls’ sarcasm. She’s on the ground in the desert watching earthquake activity. Seismographs don’t make sense to Ronda because, as they will soon understand, sand monsters are disrupting the interiors of the desert. Much to Val’s dismay, the newcomer in town has no legs that go straight in the air, blond hair, or green eyes. Next, Heather and Burt are introduced, nice to each other, tough on the outside, teetering on the edge of petty conspiracy theories.
Image via Universal Pictures
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Val and Earl play friends, Rhonda plays the intelligent and dedicated young woman, and Heather and Bert play the feisty older couple. As Val, Earl, and Rhonda bring their unique powers together – Val and Earl know the nature of the Earth from a workers’ perspective and Rhonda knows it from a geologist’s perspective – they spot monsters that sense vibrations and so they know when and where to strike. This is where group dynamics really matter – they all have something different to offer.
Heather and Burt move to the beat of their own drum, so they don’t take Val and Earl’s warning about monsters seriously. Val and Earl, who act as comedic relief for the film, are the ones who work alongside Rhonda, who better understands the nature and danger of monsters, trying to tell the couple to go up on their rooftop. Heather and Bert take the guns and remain determined to kill the monster; They do, in the end, but they realize their power. Equality takes over the group when Heather and Burt join the rest of the gang on the roof of a nearby building. They discover that they can gain an advantage over monsters by riding on a nearby truck. While Rhonda and the rest of the team distract the monsters with noise, Val captures the truck and they all board safely.
Image via Universal Pictures
With all this chaos and obsession, it was only a matter of time before the group started to let their anger and fear out of each other. That moment occurs when they face their test to kill the last monster, who has become smarter than the rest and rejects the dynamite they have thrown at the others. They blame each other for being stranded, but eventually realize they’ve come this far, and kill all but one monster, because they are stuck together. None of them would last a single second against these monsters alone. With this realization only to bolster their defense, they devise another distraction plot and the last monster falls to its death over a cliff.
In the end, it turned out to be someone with a Ph.D. Rhonda and someone working with their hands (Val) may have more in common than their nicknames suggest. When they finally kiss, the movie reminds us that romance can be found in all kinds of couples. The scene plays sweetly, revealing Val’s mistrust that Rhonda could be with someone like him after he quickly dismissed any romantic prospect between them at first due to her looks. He’s realized how important personal values ​​are by traveling together for survival, and now Rhonda sees beyond Val’s cocky demeanor and that he wants a real connection with others.
Without the group’s blend of cognitive and emotional intelligence, Tremors could easily have been a archetypal monster movie headed toward human victory; Instead, we’re laughing and alert, not knowing what to expect from the team’s next steps but always here for it.
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About the Author Dina Paulson (21 articles published)
Dina Paulson is a Collider Film and TV writer. Her writing also appears in Cine Suffragette, FanFare, her blog, Walking the Line, and Parts of Love, a small poetry book. When she’s not writing, she walks, explores, reads (she watches a lot of movies and TV) and does the best things of her life with her three-year-old son.
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