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The COVID-19 case in North Dakota culminated in a recent atypical wave.Omicron City Hall Set | Health


Health officials in North Dakota on Tuesday reported 1,610 new COVID-19 cases as testing began earlier in the week and active cases increased by 18% from the previous day.

The number of new cases is the highest among the recent waves of highly contagious delta and omicron variants of coronavirus. It is also the highest since the height of the pandemic in late 2020 before the vaccine became available.

On Thursday, state health officials will host a public debate on topics surrounding Omicron.

The state on Tuesday calculated a positive rate of nearly 15% from the 12,018 tests processed on Monday, and the positive rate for the state’s 14-day rolling test exceeded 13% for the first time since November 2020. The state target is less than 5%.

The number of active COVID-19 cases surged to 4,546, an increase of 144% from the beginning of the month when Omicron just arrived in the state. Almost one-fifth of active cases are in Burleigh-Morton County.

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situation Coronavirus dashboard Five more virus-related deaths have been added, bringing the number of North Dakota pandemic casualties to 2,034. The Ministry of Health no longer publicly reports the newly confirmed counties, genders, and age ranges of death. Morton County dashboard deaths have increased by one to 132. Burleigh County’s total remained unchanged at 284. In Fargo’s hometown of Cass County, the total has increased by one to 291 leading the state.

Hospitalization for COVID-19 in North Dakota was relatively stable at 115. Health officials state that many Omicron cases cause little or no symptoms.latest State data We have shown that just under 9% of the beds for manned inpatients available throughout the state and about 6% of the beds in the intensive care unit are open. In Bismarck, Sanford Health did not have a general care bed with staff available, but had one open ICU bed. Beds were not listed in either category in CHI St. Alexius Health.

During the pandemic that began in March 2020, there were 184,613 confirmed COVID-19 cases in North Dakota. There were 178,033 recovery and 7,071 hospitalizations.

Omicron City Hall

The Ministry of Health is hosting a virtual town hall to discuss Omicron on Thursday at 11:00 CST.

It is open to the public online via Microsoft Teams live events. It will also be broadcast simultaneously on the Ministry of Health’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channels. Registration is not required.

Speakers include Molly Howell, Director of the State Immunity Program, Paul Carson, Director of the Center for Immunology Research and Education, North Dakota State University, Chief Kirby Kruger of the State Disease Control and Forensic Pathology Section, State Health Resources and Responses. Includes Section Chief Tim Weedrich.

Speakers will also briefly answer the questions submitted after the prepared remarks.

For more information

Continue to North Dakota Worst COVID-19 vaccination rate In the country, according to the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Agency data on Tuesday showed that 64% of adults in North Dakota were fully vaccinated. The percentage of all vaccine-eligible persons (aged 5+) in the state is 57.1%.

CDC recommends COVID-19 booster shots for all adults. According to state data, 44.1% of adults in North Dakota have been vaccinated for the third time. Federal agencies last week recommended that adolescents aged 12 to 17 also receive boosters. The State Vaccine Dashboard The third dose for that age group has not yet been tracked.

According to the CDC, the risk of coronavirus infection is considered to be significant or high in all 53 counties in North Dakota except Billings. COVID-19 Data Tracker Website.. The CDC recommends that people in these risk categories wear masks in public indoor environments.

People can go Alternatively, call 866-207-2880 to find out where the COVID-19 vaccine is available nearby. The following is a list of free COVID-19 tests provided by the local public health department. For more information on the North Dakota coronavirus, visit the following URL: For more information on coronavirus variants, please visit.

Contact Blake Nicholson at 701-250-8266 or [email protected]..





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