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Why Covid Vaccine Intake Remains Very Low Among Pregnant Women

Why Covid Vaccine Intake Remains Very Low Among Pregnant Women


The government launched a campaign this month to encourage pregnant women to be vaccinated after the group’s intake remained significantly lower than the rest of the population, despite changes in medical advice. ..

Ministry of Health New Year drive It emphasizes the serious risk of a pregnant woman being infected with the virus and the benefits of vaccination of mothers and babies.

Expert said Me A woman died last week and her baby was born prematurely because of “mixed” and “vague” Government message about vaccines during pregnancy.

But the data show that as of August 2021 Only 22% of women who gave birth that month received at least one dose Of the vaccine. According to recent Scottish figures, only 32% of women who gave birth in October 2021 were fully vaccinated.

Same study showed Covid-19 infection in pregnant womenThere is an increased risk of stillbirth, premature birth, and immediate death of the baby.

So why did pregnant women’s vaccination levels remain so low?

Why were pregnant women not told to be vaccinated at the beginning of deployment?

When the UK program was launched in early December 2020, pregnant women were initially not advised to be vaccinated. After Pfizer Approval-BioN Techjab..

At that time, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) stated that neither human or animal studies had data on the safety of vaccines during pregnancy.

It supported a “preventive approach” and did not recommend vaccination during pregnancy at that time. Women who planned to become pregnant within 3 months of the first dose were also not advised to be vaccinated at that time.

JCVI updated its advice at the end of the month, stating that pregnant women at greatest risk of getting Covid-19 or women with underlying illness should be vaccinated.

JCVI said the data available do not indicate safety concerns or potential harm to pregnancy with the vaccine, but “still unrecommended to recommend daily use of the Covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy. There was ample evidence.

A month later, in January 2021, the Royal University of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the University of Midwives worked on “misinformation” about vaccines and assured women that Jab would not harm childbirth.

From others news

When was all pregnant women advised to get a jab?

In April 2021, JCVI announced that all pregnant women Provided Covid-19 Vaccine – Pregnant females were not yet prioritized, At that stage of the rollout.

It followed the publication of data from a US study showing that 90,000 pregnant women were vaccinated primarily with the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines without raising safety concerns.

The advice states that women planning to become pregnant, recently giving birth, or breastfeeding could be vaccinated with any jab, depending on age and clinical risk group.

However, despite the change in message, some pregnant women were unaware that the vaccine was safe to take.

Dr. Viki Male, a lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College London, said: Me: “If you’re pregnant, you can’t get pregnant if you’re thinking of getting pregnant in the first two weeks of the policy, and in the next few months. Many people keep quoting it to me. It was a few months later when it was really outdated. “

Why is Canada so high in vaccination rates for pregnant women?

The UK has approved a vaccine for pregnant women since April last year, but pregnant women were not included in the priority group. But that month, authorities in Ontario, Canada, moved pregnant women to the highest-risk category after prioritizing them last month.

Dr. Male said: “As a result, Canada is much more vaccinated than we are.” By August last year, only 22% of British women who gave birth that month compared to almost 60% of the provinces of Canada. And I had at least one jab.

Dr. Male believes that the UK just made a “mistake” in approving the vaccine in April and did nothing more to encourage pregnant women to take it.

She states: “We offer it to you, but it’s up to you to decide if you want it.”

According to Dr. Male, government advice does not necessarily permeate the healthcare professionals who control the deployment of vaccines, and some pregnant mothers jab for “obsolete advice.” I was discouraged from getting it.

When did a leading doctor recommend vaccination to pregnant women?

In July 2021, Dr. Edward Morris, President of the Royal University of Obstetrics and Gynecology, said the organization “recommended vaccination during pregnancy.”

Professor Jacqueline Dunkley Bent, England’s chief midwife, also urged him to move forward for the jab to become a mother.

That’s over 99 percent Pregnant female The person who was hospitalized for Covid-19 was not vaccinated, but the severity of the illness was Delta variant..

Researchers at Oxford University said the findings were “concerned,” adding that one in ten patients who showed symptoms during pregnancy and were hospitalized often required intensive care.

Professor Dunkley-Bent said:

However, Katie Reaming, whose daughter died nine days after catching Covid-19 last year, said Ms. Reaming had not been vaccinated. Me Pregnant females remained “confused” About changing advice on whether they should be vaccinated.

When were pregnant women placed in the UK’s priority group for vaccination?

In December 2021, JCVI announced that pregnant women would be transferred to priority groups for vaccination.

Pregnant mothers were classified in priority group 6 alongside adults under the age of 65 in long-term health. JCVI said there is “increasing evidence” that pregnant women are “at high risk of serious consequences” from Covid-19.

This shows a 50% increase in maternal mortality, according to data from the UK Obstetrics Surveillance System (UKOSS) and the MBRRACE-UK study at Oxford University.

The government is currently launching a campaign to encourage women to vaccinate, according to a survey released last week. Pregnant Covid-19 women admitted to critical care in Scotland were not vaccinated.

In one study of more than 87,000 females, only 32% of females born in October 2021 were completely vaccinated, compared to 77% of females aged 18-44 years.

Researchers have recently found that female babies infected with the coronavirus are more than twice as likely to have a premature birth. Findings on pregnancy in Scotland Nature medicine..

Dr. Male said: Also, if I had done something like this campaign before, I think I would have received high support. “




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