Walking may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in the elderly: studies
According to a new study, walking regularly may help prevent type 2 diabetes in the 70s and 80s.
This study was published in the Diabetes Care Journal.
“A key figure in our study shows that every 1,000 steps per day, this population has a 6 percent lower risk of diabetes, which means that if the average elderly takes another 2,000 steps daily. They may expect a 12 percent reduction in diabetes risk for what they have already done. ” health.
A multicenter team of researchers analyzed data from the Women’s Health Initiative aimed at characterizing postmenopausal women’s physical activity and cardiovascular health.
Read also: 7 reasons to go for a walk every day
In the current prospective study, a study-grade accelerometer was worn 24 hours a day, 1 week on the right hip joint in a diverse cohort of women aged 65 and over who were not diagnosed with diabetes and lived independently. I asked you to do it. Their health was tracked for up to 7 years.
“We wanted to understand how stepping or walking is associated with diabetes, and people really need 10,000 steps a day to reduce their risk of diabetes. “?” Said Dr. John Berettier, senior author and assistant professor of epidemiology at the Herbert Weltheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Sciences at the University of California, San Diego.
The main purpose of this study was to assess the association between total daily steps and the development of diabetes. The secondary goal was to assess whether step intensity or cadence influences the risk of diabetes.
Of the 4,838 women who participated in the study, 395 or 8% developed diabetes.
Adults over the age of 65 often live with movement disorders or disability problems. Decreased physical activity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
According to the American Diabetes Association, 1.5 million people are diagnosed with diabetes each year.
“Estimating that one-third of the population is elderly, there are 500,000 newly diagnosed diabetes each year. If everyone increases by 2,000 steps per day, the 12% estimate is In the casual case, the increased number of steps is expected to prevent 60,000 people from developing diabetes each year, “says Bellettiere.
Previous preventive studies have shown that regular physical activity and dietary improvements reduce the risk of diabetes in adults. In fact, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends moderate to intense physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week to reduce the risk of many chronic illnesses, including diabetes.
According to Berettiere, age plays an important role in the level of intensity of physical activity.
“Medium intensity activity in the elderly is very different from moderate intensity activity in middle-aged or young adults. People with movement disorders do not need to walk long distances, or moderate to intense intensity. Uphill to engage in activities, “he said.
“When we talk about moderate to intense intensity steps, we talk about steps that make you breathe a little heavy and make it difficult to talk. For the average person between the ages of 70 and 80, just walking. It’s a moderate to intense activity once around the block, “he added.
Because all steps are important, not just the steps taken for exercise, the accelerometers used in the study allow individuals to move from room to room at home, walk outdoors, or grocery stores. Count your steps throughout the day, regardless of whether you move.
Researchers said additional randomized controlled trials were needed to determine the exact number of steps required to reduce risk. In the future, clinicians will analyze how an individual’s genetic risk or family history of diabetes affects the number of steps required per day to reduce the risk of diabetes. You may be able to personalize your plan.
“Even if you stop diabetes, it’s important to maintain it, incorporate regular steps as part of your daily schedule, and make it a routine,” says Garduno.
“It’s not enough for someone to take a walk once a week. Our study shows that regular stepping shows a reduced risk of diabetes in the elderly,” Garduno added.
The co-authors are: AndreaZ.LaCroix, University of California, San Diego. Benjamin T. Schumacher, University of California, San Diego, San Diego State University. Michael J. LaMonte, State University of New York; David W. Dunstan, Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and Australian Catholic University. Kelly R. Evenson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Guangxing Wang and Chongzhi Di of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
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