Boosters provide the best protection against Omicron mutants, CDC studies show
Three large new studies from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasize the importance of taking booster shots to provide the best protection against Omicron coronavirus variants. This is the first actual data to examine the effect of boosters on Omicron. Currently, it accounts for more than 99% of coronavirus cases in the United States. A study published on Friday raises the question of whether people who have been vaccinated only twice should still be considered fully vaccinated. I was not involved in the research. The scope of the study is very wide, including millions of cases, hundreds of thousands of visits to emergency departments and emergency medical centers, and tens of thousands of adult hospitalizations. During December and January, when Omicron was the predominant variant, two doses were at least six months after the second, according to a CDC study that examined about 88,000 hospitalizations in 10 states. Sometimes it was 57% effective. Shot Omicron Surge Tracking How to Know The COVID-19 Test Site is Legal How to Make sure the N95 / KN95 Mask is Genuine Austrian Parliament Approves Vaccine Obligation e Adults, Europe’s First Image Image Experts show the contrasting effects of lung damage in unvaccinated people, what kind of mask should be worn and how long it can be boosted to emergency rooms and centers Explain how it was 82% effective in preventing visits, according to a survey of more than 200,000 visits in 10 states, even if you take two shots, at least 6 from the second shot After months, it was only 38% effective in preventing these visits. A really solid, third dose that gives the best protection, “Schaffner said. The study was published Friday in a weekly report on CDC morbidity and mortality. A second study, also published at MMWR on Friday, concluded that people with three shots were less likely to be infected with Omicron. Looking at data from 25 state and local health departments, CDC researchers found that among the boosted people, there were an average of 149 cases per 100,000 people each week. For those who received only two doses, there were 255 cases per 100,000. The third study was published in the medical journal JAMA and boosters help prevent people from getting sick with Omicron. It has been shown to be useful. In this study of just over 13,000 cases of Omicron in the United States, those who received booster immunization were 66% less likely to develop symptomatic infections than those who received only two doses. We found that in all three studies, unvaccinated individuals were infected with COVID-19. The CDC now states that it is considered fully vaccinated after the primary COVID-19 vaccine, that is, two weeks after the second mRNA vaccination, or two weeks after the first Johnson vaccination. .. & Johnson vaccine. Booster doses are recommended for all persons 12 years and older 5 months after initial vaccination. Less than half of those eligible for booster shots are vaccinated once, and only about a quarter of the total population of the United States is fully vaccinated and boosted. CDC data. Almost 20% of the US population (aged 5+) who are eligible to be vaccinated are not vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Three large new studies from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasize the importance of obtaining booster shots to provide the best protection against Omicron coronavirus variants.
This is the first actual data to examine the effect of boosters on Omicron, which accounts for more than 99% of coronavirus cases in the United States. A study published on Friday raises the question of whether people who have been vaccinated only twice should still be considered fully vaccinated.
“I think we need to redefine complete vaccination as three doses,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime CDC vaccine adviser who was not involved in the study.
The scope of the study is very broad and includes millions of cases, hundreds of thousands of emergency department and emergency medical center visits, and tens of thousands of adult hospitalizations.
According to a CDC study that examined about 88,000 hospitalizations in 10 states, obtaining a boost was 90% effective in preventing hospitalization during the December and January periods when Omicron was the predominant mutant. did.
By comparison, taking a second shot was 57% effective at least 6 months after the second shot.
Tracking Omicron Serge
According to a study that surveyed more than 200,000 visits in 10 states, getting a boost was 82% effective in preventing visits to emergency rooms and emergency care centers.
By comparison, taking a second shot was only 38% effective in preventing those visits at least 6 months after the second shot.
“I think it’s really the third dose that gives you solid, best protection,” Schaffner said.
The study was published Friday in a weekly report on CDC morbidity and mortality. A second study, also published at MMWR on Friday, concluded that people with three shots were less likely to be infected with Omicron. Looking at data from 25 state and local health departments, CDC researchers found that among the boosted people, there were an average of 149 cases per 100,000 people each week. For those who took it only twice, there were 255 cases per 100,000.
A third study, published in the medical journal JAMA, showed that boosters could prevent people from getting sick with Omicron. The study of slightly over 13,000 U.S. Omicron cases found that boosted individuals had a 66% lower chance of developing a symptomatic infection than those who received only two injections. I understand.
All three studies found that unvaccinated people were at greatest risk of becoming infected with COVID-19.
The CDC now states that it is considered fully vaccinated after the primary COVID-19 vaccine, that is, two weeks after the second mRNA vaccination, or two weeks after the first Johnson & Johnson vaccine. increase. Booster doses are recommended for all persons 12 years and older 5 months after the primary vaccination series.
According to CDC data, less than half of those eligible for booster shots have one, and only about a quarter of the total population of the United States is fully vaccinated and boosted.
Almost 20% of the US population (aged 5+) who are eligible to be vaccinated are not vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
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