US Coronavirus: Covid-19 hospitalizations are declining in the northeast, but increasing in other parts of the country
Covid-19 hospitalizations in the northeast peaked about a week ago, then declined by about 11%, and also slightly (about 6%) in the Midwest, as cases appear to have peaked. Did. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. And the new Covid-19 hospitalizations are starting to decline nationwide, indicating that the total number of hospitalizations in all regions of the country may soon begin to decline.
Agency data includes both patients admitted for Covid-19 complications and patients who may have been admitted for something else but tested positive for Covid-19. increase. This applies to the entire pandemic, but the proportion of patients in each category may change over time.
“All current data show very promising trends, and many of the key health indicators have consistently dropped significantly,” said Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. “But we’re not out of the woods. We can achieve a significant drop in metrics and they continue to drop, but they’re still much higher and where they’re needed.”
Also this week, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced that the state is declining hospitalizations for Covid-19, ICU and ventilator usage, and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont is also reducing cases and hospitalizations. Said.
And in New York, the state’s “positive rate is in the single digits,” Governor Kathy Hokul said on Friday for the first time since December 20th.
But in other parts of the country, another picture. Hospitalizations for Covid-19 have increased by about 15% in the west over the past week and by about 6% in the south. Many hospitals were growing thinly due to a surge in patients and a serious shortage of staff.
The CDC emphasizes “pivot” in the language of vaccination
As the highly contagious variant of Omicron continues to spread, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to “pivot” the language around the meaning of being fully vaccinated, Rochelle Warren said. The ski director said at a briefing at the White House on Friday.
However, the director stopped saying that the definition of what was completely vaccinated needed to be changed, and instead focused on what it means to be “up-to-date” about Covid-19 vaccination. I did.
Fully vaccinated people who are eligible for a booster vaccine but have not been boosted are not considered “up-to-date” with respect to their vaccination, Walensky said.
“What we’re really working on is pivoting the language and keeping the COVID-19 vaccine as up-to-date as possible personally for everyone, based on when the last vaccine was available. That’s what Walensky says.
“So, importantly, now we are pivoting our language. We really want to make sure people are up to date,” she added.
Talking to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said the CDC has not updated its definition of “fully vaccinated.”
“It’s almost a matter of semantics,” Forch said, pointing out that terms can confuse people.
“One of the things we’re talking about purely from a public health perspective isn’t defining whether you need someone, but how well you’re protected,” said the United States. Fauci, an infectious disease expert, said. ..
New research has a strong discussion of boosters
According to a CDC study that examined about 88,000 hospitalizations in 10 states, obtaining a boost was 90% effective in preventing hospitalization during the December and January periods when Omicron was the predominant mutant. did. By comparison, taking a second shot was 57% effective at least 6 months after the second shot.
According to a study that surveyed more than 200,000 visits in 10 states, getting a boost was 82% effective in preventing visits to emergency rooms and emergency care centers. By comparison, taking a second shot was only 38% effective in preventing those visits at least 6 months after the second shot. The study was published Friday in a weekly report on CDC morbidity and mortality.
A second study published at the same location concludes that people with three shots are less likely to be infected with Omicron. And a third study, published in the medical journal JAMA, showed that boosters could prevent people from becoming infected with Omicron.
“I think this is really the third dose that gives you solid, best protection,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime CDC vaccine adviser who was not involved in the study.
CNN’s Mirna Alsharif, Deidre McPhillips, Katherine Dillinger, and Jacqueline Howard contributed to this report.
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