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Pets help keep your brain sharp, research says

Pets help keep your brain sharp, research says


“As far as we know, our study is the first to examine the effect of pet owner duration on cognitive health,” said a PhD candidate in sociology at the National Institutes of Health at the University of Florida. Jennifer Applebaum, a PhD fellow, told CNN by email. ..

And it’s not just cats and dogs that can boost your brain. Researchers also took care of rabbits, hamsters, birds, fish and reptiles, but “dogs were the most common, followed by cats,” Applebaum said.

Keeping domestic pets for more than 5 years is most effective, delaying cognitive decline by 1.2 points in the 6 years of the study compared to the rate of decline in non-pet owners, according to clinical neuroimmunologists. Associate Professor Tiffany Braley said. By email at the University of Michigan Neurology.

“These findings provide early evidence that long-term pet owners may prevent cognitive decline,” said the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in April. Braley, senior author of the study presented at the General Assembly, said.

Why did keeping a pet for more than 5 years have the best impact? This study, which was able to show only a link, not a direct causal relationship between pet owners and cognition, could not answer that question.

However, previous studies have pointed out the negative effects of stress on brain health, especially chronic stress, Braley said.

Social companionship is just one of many of the benefits that pets bring to our lives.

“Previous studies have also identified an association between interaction with companion animals and physiological measurements of stress relief, including lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels that may affect cognitive health in the long run.” “She said.

According to experts, pet owners can benefit from many other brains, such as social dating, a sense of duty, and a sense of purpose.

“Keeping one or more pets combines many core components of a healthy brain lifestyle,” said Richard, director of the Alzheimer Prevention Clinic at the Brain Health Center at the Schmidt Medical College at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Isaacson said.

“Cognitive involvement, socialization, physical activity, and a sense of purpose can address the major modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease dementia, either separately or in combination. “Isaxon, who was not involved in the study, said.

Working memory

This study analyzed cognitive data from more than 1,300 adults who participated in the study. Research on health and retirementA nationally representative study that tracks the lives of Americans over the age of 50.
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Those with cognitive decline at the beginning of the study were excluded from the analysis. In the final sample, over 53% had pets. Pet owners tend to have a high socio-economic status, which may also be a reason for their benefits. Experts say that high-income people are more likely to visit a doctor to manage their health.

Studies show that brain enhancement associated with keeping pets over a five-year period was “more pronounced for black adults, college-educated adults, and men.”

“More research is needed to explain these findings,” Applebaum said. “There is not enough information about men (and other genders) and people of color, especially black pet owners,” because previous studies were conducted on a biased sample consisting primarily of white females, she said. Said.

Does this mean that older adults who are interested in protecting the brain need to run immediately and have a pet? Not always, experts say. the study It also shows that pet owners are lonely and depressed and may be in a chronic condition that can make pet owners negative.
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“We do not recommend pet owners as a therapeutic intervention,” Applebaum said. “But we encourage pet owners to be helped through public policy and community partnerships.”

Eliminating pet rates in rental housing and providing free or low-cost veterinary services will greatly help pet owners keep their pets “especially in low-income and color communities.” Applebaum said.

Other ideas include providing foster care and dormitory support to people who are unexpectedly unavailable to take care of their pets due to a health crisis.

“Unwanted separation from pets can be devastating to tied owners, and marginalized populations are at greatest risk of these unwanted consequences,” she said.




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