Find a way to avoid or handle triggers
The first was wood, with oak and pine being the most troublesome, causing allergies before March came.
In the summer, grass causes most of the seasonal allergies that cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and stuffy nose, and itchy eyes and throat.
Wearing a mask for COVID-19 seems to have reduced the effects of outdoor allergens to some extent.
However, as more people go out and fewer people wear masks, local allergy and immunology experts warn that the 2022 allergy season will look moderate to severe.
“Due to the effects of climate change, the allergic season seems to start earlier (and last longer) than it was ten years ago,” said Dr. David Provencher of PlantCity Allergy.
“For allergic patients, each season is generally perceived to be progressively worse than last time. This is because our adaptive immune system is working harder than ever to fight pollen this season. It is due to the nature of trying to fight. “
What can you do to combat allergic symptoms and suffering other than staying inside with the windows closed?
People are starting with lifestyle changes and are choosing more and more approaches.
Dr. G. Weimann Price, at Watson Clinic South in Lakeland, suggests that people sensitive to pollen and flowering plants should consider walking / jogging from morning to afternoon.
And do the same thing as taking the children to the park.
“Dry and windy days are the worst days, and usually the mornings are the worst,” says Price.
You can reduce the effects by washing your hair and beard after going out near the pollen-producing plants. If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, you may also need to wash your pet, and the price has been added.
Wearing a mask helps when the immune system is in close proximity to what it triggers to attack allergens that it considers to be enemies (such as pollen).
“Traditionally, the region is facing the worst oak pollen season on the planet,” Proventure said, adding that pollen numbers and pollen potency are also increasing.
Inside the house, make sure that the filters in your air conditioning system are designed to remove pollen, mold and dust. And yes, keep those windows closed.
The types of allergic drugs available without a prescription have increased over the last decade.
Allergic patients are accustomed to using antihistamines (Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, etc.) to treat allergic symptoms. A simple saline spray can prevent your nose from becoming dry and inflamed.
There are also nasal congestion removers and nasal steroid sprays.
It is important to know the difference.
Nasal congestion medications such as Afrin, Dristan, and Vicks Sinex can be used to relieve congestion and inflammation in the short term.
Not suitable for long-term treatment of allergies.
Price says that using a nasal decongestant for more than 3 days can cause the inflammation to recur, which can recur and often worsen.
He had a patient who needed treatment to separate them from the decongestant.
Some nasal steroid sprays, such as Nasacort and Flonase, were sold over-the-counter with the approval of the Food and Drug Administration 8-9 years ago. Others may need a prescription.
Doctors usually use nasal steroid sprays as part of their allergy treatment.
“Some of the most powerful allergic drugs are currently available in stores,” said the venture.
Do not include honey in that list.
“Eating local honey doesn’t help at all with typical allergic symptoms,” he said.
“Honeybees pollinate plants and flowers that produce pollen other than in the air. They are allergic only to particles in the air.”
Not all allergic patients need an allergy immunology specialist.
Some physicians and family doctors prescribe medicines, according to Price, who mainly refer patients to allergists when conventional treatments don’t work.
If your usual treatments don’t work, or if you have problems such as being intolerant of tablets containing antihistamines, it’s a good time to talk to an allergist.
They identify exactly what someone is allergic to and do tests to prepare the right drug blend.
Allergy shots are still the gold standard for care, both said.
Over the last decade, the FDA has approved four allergic tablet products. The two are for different types of pollen. The other is for dust mites. One is for ragweed.
Instead of being swallowed, they are taken under the tongue. This is called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).
There are advantages such as the patient being able to take them home, but there are also disadvantages.
“These tablets are very limited in what they can treat,” says Price.
The five northern pollens targeted by Oralair do not include the grasses of St. Augustine, Bahamas, and Bahia, some of the most common here. Grastek is for Timothy glass only.
If you are allergic to many things, you will need a shot for what the pill does not fight, both doctors said, eliminating the potential convenience of the pill.
“(Tablets) only work for people who are monosensitized to a particular allergen,” Provencher said. “In this part of the world, we tend to be hypersensitive and sensitive to many allergens, tree weeds, grass pollen, cats, dogs, mold, etc.”
There is also the risk of an allergic reaction, like a shot, which can be a problem if someone lives alone.
According to Price, some patients are taking pills of ticks (oddula) and ragweed allergies (ragweed). Provencher said he would consider tablets “in the right situation”.
It is often best to start taking allergic and therapeutic medications at least two weeks before the onset of seasonal allergies. Allergy pill therapy should be started a few months in advance.
Robin Williams Adams is located at [email protected]
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