Strong mag. 5.7 earthquake – Republika Srpska, 89 km south of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Friday April 22, 2022 at 11:07 pm (GMT +2)
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Dubrovnik (49.3 km south of the epicenter) [Map] Strong vibration (MMI VI): Very strong, things fall off shelves. The room swings from side to side. very scary! | 25 users found this interesting. Am Blanco lateral limbus. Assustador Dubrovnik (44 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III): slight vibration ur vibration | 15 users found this interesting. The whole building shook back and forth.
Montenegro (107.7 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak Shake (MMI III): I was near the fridge making a sandwich, and I felt bad eating late, and it happened… Wandered if it was a sign? | 8 users found this interesting.
Dubrovnik, Dalmatinska Ulica / strong shaking (MMI VI) / rumble, shaking / very short: I could feel my entire apartment moving back and forth with the entire building during the second tremor, first it was much weaker. | 7 users found this interesting.
Zadar, 23,000 Croatia (265 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I was lying in bed, watching TV, then felt like my bed started shivering in a few seconds, 11:08 PM | 5 users found this interesting.
Nexeco (70.4 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: I was sleeping, the shaking woke me up and made me sick | 6 users found this interesting. I felt like I was drunk or my head was spinning
Cetinje (97 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: I had just gotten out of the bathroom when I heard a rattling sound. I noticed it was coming from the radiator. Then the coffee table started shaking with the laptop on it as well. Vibration / rattling was strong and continued to close | 4 users found this interesting.
Kavač / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / Complex rolling (tilting in multiple directions) / 10-15 sec: The biggest earthquake I’ve experienced in 14 years in Montenegro (strongest and longest). I currently live on the ground floor, which usually feels less intense than on higher floors, but it was pretty scary. | 3 users found this interesting.
[Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 15-20 seconds: My son and I were sitting at the table. First we felt a slight jolt and a water bottle cared – it was moving and shaking. Then we felt a stronger tremor with some sounds. All in all it lasted about 15-20 seconds. | 2 users found this interesting.
Dubrovnik (46.2 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: The building started shaking and vibrating like a truck passing by. But it lasted longer and grew thicker and then faded away. The room seemed to keep shaking for a while afterwards. n | 2 users found this interesting.
Rasic, Bosnia and Herzegovina (259.7 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI V): Lying on the couch, whole house shaking, lights swinging, dogs barking. Strongest I can remember in 10 years. | 2 users found this interesting.
[Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / Single side vibration / 5-10 seconds: At first it was like the metro or train was nearby, then the shaking got bigger and bigger, until we realized it might be an earthquake, for a few seconds after that, we were sure Than it earthquake. | 2 users found this interesting.
Podgorica (111.1 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 1-2 min: strong shaking, shaking, moving some furniture | 3 users found this interesting.
Mostar / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / Complex rotation (tilt in multiple directions) / 20-30 seconds: I was on the 4th floor in Mostar in a hotel, everything shaking the wardrobe moving a lot scared we moved on the floor the other side of the wardrobe with There is a bed between them | 2 users found this interesting.
Zagreb/Very weak shaking (MMI II)/Horizontal (lateral) swaying/30-60secs: My chair was swaying left and right, very slightly, barely noticeable. It took a long time for my fantasy to become what I first believed it to be. Then I noticed that the chandelier was swaying. I checked the rest of the house and the chandeliers were all swaying | 2 users found this interesting.
Sarajevo (86.8 km N from the epicenter) [Map] Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal (lateral) swing / 15-20 sec: I was sitting normally and watching my chains when I suddenly felt an earthquake. My wheels started shaking, then my sofa and lamp outside heard the dogs barking and after 20-30 seconds it stopped | 1 user found this interesting
Dubrovnik (47.1 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 15-20 seconds: It sounded like an underground train suddenly passing under where I was staying in the old town. I wondered what would make that kind of noise at night. The squeaking and shivering kept going and I thought ‘Maybe it’s an earthquake | 1 user found this interesting
Brela, Split-Dalmatian (108.7 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rumble, shaking / 10-15 seconds: Of course, I was running from the apartment to the outside, but I was warned by mobile phone just before the earthquake started | 1 user found this interesting
Lecce (301.5 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Moderate Vibration (MMI V) / Horizontal (Side) Swinging / 30-60 sec: I was sleeping in my room and my bed started shivering with fear I went to the kitchen with the chandelier moving | 1 user found this interesting
Budva (103.4 km SSE from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / Horizontal swing (lateral) / 5-10 sec: Budva, Montenegro. 22.04.2022, 23.10 local time. Big shaking on the 13th floor of a civilian building, no destruction. slight shaking | 1 user found this interesting
Sarajevo (92.7 km N from the epicenter) [Map] /Slight vibration (MMI IV) /Horizontal swing (lateral) / 5-10secs: Slight noise of things, felt sofa and room vibrate sideways. It seems to have lasted for a few seconds. | 1 user found this interesting
Donga Lastva (79.7 km SSE from the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): The bed started moving ???? Everyone ran to the street. There was only one batch, one go. | 1 user found this interesting
88320 Ljuburski / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Swinging Horizontal (Sideways) / 2-5 Seconds: Apr 22, 2022 11:07 p.m. in 88320 Ljuburski, Nikole Kordica 30 as if a large truck with a trailer (40 tons) was going past. I was just going to bed when there was a rattling and the water bottle shook on the bedside table. swayed sideways. G | 1 user found this interesting
Siroki Brijeg, Provo / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: Yes I could feel the earthquake. The house was relatively strong, and it shook the room I was in. | 1 user found this interesting
Herceg Novi (73.5 km SSE epicenter) [Map] Mild Shake (MMI IV)/Horizontal (lateral) swing/15-20secs: We woke up during the earthquake, the whole house shaking like candy and the bed shaking. He heard a dull gurgle
Dobrota (84.9 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Shake (MMI IV) / Rattle, Shake / 5-10 sec: We saw how the pictures on the wall were swaying and swaying. There was some noise. Our son jumped from under the table. I asked myself where I would get out as quickly as possible.
Hercegnovi dr.jovana biyelic Montenegro (73.4 km SSE from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III): I got a message on my phone that there was an earthquake. At that moment, we shook. Take precautions, turn off the gas, etc… The building shook. She was very powerful.
Dubrovnik, Croatia (363.4 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] /very strong shaking (MMI VII) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I thought it wasn’t from the shrines of the earth but then my friends and I were like why does this shaking last so long
Krug, Jesenice (132.9 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] /moderate vibration (MMI V) /horizontal sway (side) / 2-5 sec: felt about 5 waves, 1 wave stronger, noise in building an old stone house with wooden floors, should check out tomorrow outside the building
[Map] /Mild vibrate (MMI IV) /Horizontal (lateral) swing/10-15sec: Walk around and feel unsteady, then doors swing slightly back and forth continuously, with about 1-2 inches of travel. I could hear one door banging on the wall and creaking in the walls.
Taranto (299.3 km from the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): I was lying on the couch and felt myself swaying a bit and seeing strange things, I thought of a neck pain. Then I heard a creak in the outside door. Then I asked someone to confirm. Did not last long and warned the law
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Sources 2/ https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/6761289/2022-04-22/21h07/magnitude6-Croatia.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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