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Kiwi woman dies after accidentally overdose Lemsip

Kiwi woman dies after accidentally overdose Lemsip


A New Zealand-born mother died of liver failure after drinking too much remship and unintentionally overdose paracetamol.

According to the Daily Mail, Joan Ita Bergin, 58, lived in the UK last December and developed a cough and chest illness that lasted for nearly a week.

Meanwhile, she drank a remship cold and flu drink to manage her symptoms.

However, on Christmas day, Belkin’s son called an ambulance when he saw his mother’s condition worsening.

Belkin is vomiting coffee-colored bile, has low oxygen levels, and is found to have “significantly elevated” liver enzymes, the Daily Mail reported.

The mother was taken to the intensive care unit and diagnosed with liver failure.

However, she continued to deteriorate and died on January 7. An inquest was held at Preston Coroners Court in the United Kingdom regarding the death of Belkin.

Belkin also drank too much alcohol.

Her son Matthew said in a statement that her mother drank 3-4 cans of cider daily before work and up to 10 cans of cider on weekends.

He also said that his mother was generally healthy but did not eat much.

“She drank a lot of water, but sometimes fainted because of lack of food,” said assistant coroner Kate Bisset about Matthew’s testimony.

Belkin was drinking remship sachets every four hours and told the health team that she sometimes exceeded the recommended paracetamol intake, the study said.

Each Lemsip sachet contains 1000 mg of paracetamol.

Lemsip NZ states that you should take no more than 4 bags within 24 hours.

In a statement from the inquest, consultant Patrick Hogan was diagnosed with liver damage due to an unintended overdose of paracetamol, Daily Mail reported.

The coroner concluded, “Joan Ita Belkin died at Royal Preston Hospital on January 7, 2022, from multiple organ failure caused by an unintended overdose of paracetamol.”

A spokeswoman for Reckitt, the company that manufactures Lemsip, has issued a statement to the Daily Mail.

“I’m very sad to hear about Joan. [Ita] In the case of Belkin. “

“We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to her family.

“At Reckitt Benquiser, consumer safety is a top priority. We work closely with MHRA and PAGB and other affiliates to ensure the safety and packaging requirements of all commercial products, including paracetamol, such as Lemsip. Make sure that is satisfied. “

“Safety information and instruction manuals are always reflected in the packaging and information leaflets.

“Like any other drug, we remind consumers and their caregivers to carefully read and follow the instructions on all drug packages and patient information leaflets.

“For LemsipMaxSachets, if the symptoms last for more than 3 days or worsen, to consult a pharmacist, do not exceed 4 bags in 24 hours, leave at least 4-6 hours between doses to the consumer. I would like to call your attention. If you take too much, call your doctor immediately. “




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