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Watching the volcano: The 1952 Kīlauea summit eruption ended for a long period of inactivity


Two small spatter cone, inside a larger cone, gases are released on the floor of the halliomaoma hole. A lava pond, about 30 meters (100 feet) in diameter, can be seen between the small cones. This image is to the west, taken from the southeastern edge of the crater by JG. MacDonald on August 27, 1952.

On June 27, 1952, an eruption began at the top of Kīlauea volcano, ending a period of calm that lasted nearly 18 years.

During nearly two decades of calm in Kīlauea after the outbreak of the summit in 1934, there were several periods of increased seismic activity and deformation below the summit. However, none of these stages of turmoil resulted in an explosion.

In early April 1952, a series of earthquakes began along the eastern Rift Region in Kīlauea and below the summit. Earthquakes, accompanied by peak inflation, lasted until May and June.

At around 11:40 p.m. on June 27, an eruption started at the top. A roaring roar and a bright sparkle of Halimauma Crater alerts residents and employees close to the Kīlauea Caldera of the new eruption.

Within minutes of the eruption, the HVW Observatory staff were on their way to the office on the Yokahona trick. From HVO, a fountain that exploded on the southwest edge of the Halimawau crater floor clearly crossed the edge of the crater, approximately 800 feet high. The fountain quickly dwindled and by 11:55 pm it was no longer visible from deception.

HVO employees reached the Hallyumauma view 30 minutes after the eruption. Through a 0.5-mile incision the entire floor of the Halimauma crater, the lava completely covered the floor of the crater. A detailed account of the eruption hours can be found in the article “Volcano Watch”.

The lava lake contains sheets of cryogenic crust on its surface separated by crevices that provide views of the glowing magma lava below – much like the smaller lava lake from 2008 to 2018 inside the crater of the Hallioma crater. Fountain lava created waves above the surface of the lake that spilled out from the crevice to the walls of the crater.

Observers also observed seeing occasional whirlwinds on the surface of the lake that threw pieces of crust, up to a meter wide, several meters in the air. This same phenomenon was observed in 2018 on the 8-channel lava channel.

After the early hours of the eruption, lava fountains began to recede. Just over four hours later, only the northeastern quarter of the crevice was active, and observers believed the eruption could end. However, soon after, the southwestern portion of the slit was reactivated with low bubble fountains, and by that time Halema’uma’u Crater had been filled with a lake of lava approximately 50 feet deep.

During the first two weeks of the eruption, small lava fountains continued to appear along the surface of the lava lake.

By July 11, the active length of the incision had been shortened to about 400 feet. Two major tunnels continued and began building a large carbuncle and spatter cone inside the lava lake. The gaps inside the conical wall of lava allowed to spill over and feed the surrounding lava lake, which shrunk from a peak of 100 acres on June 28 to about 34 acres in early August. The lava lake inside the Halimawao Crater decreased in early 2018 compared to about 10.4 acres.

By the end of August, most of the lava was contained within the large cone, as two active holes were constructing smaller spatter cones. Among the sparse cones, there was a small lava pond with a diameter of about 100 feet.

This continued – with occasional lava flows over the Halliumoma Crater floor – for the next few months until the eruption ended after 136 days on November 10.

Approximately 64,000,000 cubic yards of erupted lava were trapped inside the Hallioma Crater. The eruption filled the crater with 310 feet of new lava – raising the ground from 770 feet to 460 feet below the rim. For comparison, the Hallemauma Crater floor before the crash of the 2018 summit was about 260 feet below the edge.

After nearly two decades of calm in Kīlauea volcano, the 1952 eruption ended the longest eruption period in Kīlauea in (at least) the past 200 years.

Volcano activity updates

Kīlauea volcano does not explode. The USGS Volcano alert level remains at NORMAL, and Kīlauea updates are released monthly.

Kīlauea monitoring data for the past month show variable but typical rates of earthquake and ground deformation, low rates of sulfur dioxide emissions, and only slight geological changes since the end of volcanic activity in September 2018. The water lake at the bottom of Halema’uma ‘continues to expand and deepen slowly. For the latest information about the lake, contact the internet.

Mauna Loa does not erupt and is still at the volcano alert level. This alert level does not mean that an imminent eruption or that progression to an eruption from the current level of disturbances is certain. Mauna Loa updates are released weekly.

Last week, about 107 small earthquakes were recorded under the upper heights of Mauna Loa. Most of these depths occurred at shallow depths of less than 8 miles five. GPS measurements show a slowly increasing peak inflation in the long run, in line with the magma’s supply of shallow volcano storage system. Gas concentrations and fumarol temperatures as measured in both cone sulfur and peak remain stable. Webcams do not show any changes to the scene.

For more information about the current observation of Mauna Loa volcano, go to the Internet.

There were three events with three or more physical reports in the Hawaiian Islands during the past week: a 3.4-magnitude earthquake four miles northeast of Pahala at a depth of 21 miles on June 10 at 5:57 pm. HST, a 3.2-magnitude earthquake three miles northwest of Pahala State at a depth of 22 miles on June 10 at 5:05 pm HST, and a 2.8-magnitude earthquake four miles east of Pahala at a depth of 21 miles on June 9 at 10:59 Morning HST.

HVO continues to closely monitor Kīlauea and Mauna Loa for signs of increased activity.


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