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Ravens earn their boys tennis title

Ravens earn their boys tennis title


In his heart Chris Black knew that his Canyon Crest Academy boys tennis team had been the best sections for the past two seasons. There was a problem.

There were no boys’ tennis seasons in 2020 and 2021.

The 20th season was canceled due to COVID and with the entire sports year condensed to last spring, tennis was a mixed sport.

Late Saturday afternoon at the Barnes Tennis Center, the Ravens made up for lost time by beating Bishops 12-6 to win the San Diego Section Open Division.

I’m just so incredibly grateful for our seniors, Black said. They were finally allowed to taste success at the highest level.

Senior Zach Pellouchoud, the number 1 in singles in the section, led the way, winning two sets in singles. After CCA won the match, Pellouchoud was substituted in the third set.

In the game of the day, Pellouchoud defeated third-seeded Rex Harrison 7-6 (4) in front of a large crowd.

Playing in front of an audience is a bit nerve-wracking, Pellouchoud said. I remind myself that it is a privilege, enjoy the moment and don’t worry if I embarrass myself.

The other Ravens senior starter, Kushal Pallaka, teamed up with Kevin Wang to win two sets.

The title was Canyon Crests, its first since 2012. Bishops attempted to win its first championship since 1986.

division I

Westview 12, Cathedral Catholic 6: During practice Friday, Wolverines coach Renee Malcuit felt her team would be focused on the final. They were just so excited about playing, Malcuit said. They were ready to destroy.

Said number 1 singles Jason Hu, She told us, you have to save something for (Saturday).

Turns out there was still plenty in the tank. Westview won 10 of the first 11 sets to wrap up the match for the third round and replaced backups for the rest of the day.

Hu led the charge and won all three singles 6-1, 6-1, 6-1.

The title was Westview’s first since winning back-to-back Division II championships in 2010-11. Cathedral attempted to win its first sectional crown since 2000.

Division II

Sage Creek 12, Valhalla 6: Sophomore Kouta Kodama was transferred to Sage Creek from Nagasaki, Japan, last August. When the tryouts started in February, Coach Betsy Jordan had no idea how good Kodama was. Then she saw him hit.

You better start playing with the varsity, Jordan said.

On Saturday, Kodama helped the third-seeded Bobcats defend their D-II title by winning his singles matches 6-1, 6-1, 6-2.

In seven seasons since the private school opened in Carlsbad, Sage Creek has won two section titles with one runner-up.

If we practice, I can’t get the boys home, Jordan said. They have so much fun that they don’t want to leave.

Division III

Canyon Hills 11, Otay Ranch 7: The number one-seeded Rattlers dominated the doubles, winning eight of their nine games. The tandems of Ben Prager-Kenny Elkern and Brendan Barber-Jake Langenderfer won all three matches.

The school, formerly Serra High, has been open since 1976. The boys’ title was the first in school history.

The Rattlers are an eclectic group, the team includes fellow Valedictorians, an Eagle Scout, a theater protagonist, and a member of the robotics team.

The best part was the process, said coach YY Liew, who also coaches the badminton team. Seeing them come together, which makes it work.

For sixth-seeded Otay, MJ Abarca defeated all 12 of his singles matches in the tournament by 6-0 scores.

Norcross is a freelance writer.




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