The picture says it all: Joe Biden comes in last row while Xi Jinping takes center stage at APEC summit

At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Peru, US President Joe Biden was relegated to the back of the annual family photo, with Chinese President Xi Jinping taking a prominent place next to the president of the host country, Dina. Boluarte.
Also read: APEC closes in Peru with Chinese President Xi at the forefront as Trump whiplash looms
As reported by New York PostWhile the order of world leaders in the photo is generally alphabetical by country, past APEC photos have shown that the positions are not fixed. For example, in 2017, then-President Donald Trump took center stage in two family photos at the APEC summit in Vietnam, the only such summit he attended.
This year, New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Papua New Guinea Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso appeared out of place, behind Boluarte and Xi. The leaders' disposition drew comments from Republican lawmakers, with Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) suggesting the stance reflected world leaders' diminished respect for Biden.
They probably should have invited the president-elect [Donald] Trump down, she said, adding that Trump likely would have been up front with Xi.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) took a harsher tone, calling Biden the worst lame duck and saying the photo symbolized his presidency. A picture is worth a thousand words and that picture says it all, Van Drew remarked, implying that Biden's leadership has become ineffective in the eyes of world leaders.
“It is a shame for our country under Joe Biden, America is weaker, our enemies are emboldened and the world is less peaceful,” said Representative Mike Lawler (R-New York). “January 20 cannot come soon enough,” he added, as reported by New York Post.
Sino-US talks
Biden told Xi that the two leaders did not always see eye to eye, but that their discussions had been frank and frank. Reuters.
Two months before Trump returns to the White House, U.S. officials see increased risks of conflict during the transition. Biden told Xi that maintaining leader-to-leader talks would be vital even after he leaves office, Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.
Meanwhile, Trump's presidential campaign has indicated a more confrontational approach to China, with the president-elect pledging to impose across-the-board 60% tariffs on U.S. imports of Chinese goods as part of its “America First” trade agenda. The move is expected to escalate tensions as Beijing strongly opposes such tariffs.
Additionally, Trump plans to appoint several China-hawkish figures to key positions in his administration, including U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio as secretary of state and Rep. Mike Waltz as security adviser. national.
(With contribution from agencies)
Sources 2/ https://www.livemint.com/news/us-news/picture-says-it-all-joe-biden-gets-last-row-whereas-xi-jinping-takes-center-stage-at-apec-summit-11731820178142.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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