Scientists are looking at color-coded brain cells linked to aging to look for clues to what causes memory loss.
In a new study, researchers at the University of Edinburgh Color coding Different types of molecules in brain cells characterized by different electrical synapses in the mouse brain from birth to old age.
The authors of the study say their paper is the first of its kind to use an approach to understanding the biology of aging. In the study, scientists found that the molecular composition and number of synapses change with age in different parts of the brain.
In addition, changes occur in three important stages: childhood, middle age, and old age. The results show that numbers from the middle-aged brain have colored and exploded, indicating a vast variety of synapses. On the other hand, the infant and ancient spirits are less complex and show synapses.
According to researchers in the study, their findings could provide important information about why genes cause synaptic damage in specific areas of the brain and at specific ages. In addition, they may help to deduce why some people are more likely to develop a brain condition at a particular age, they say. For example, you can find out why schizophrenia begins in adolescence and why dementia affects older people.
All research results were published in the journal Science In addition, the research was funded by Welcome and the European Research Council.
Also read: Alzheimer’s disease can be caused by copper in the brain
What is a synapse?
by Khan Academy, Synapses are the junctions where neurons communicate with each other. In this connection, one neuron sends an electrical or chemical message to another cell or target neuron.
Most synapses are chemical and use chemical messengers, while other synapses are electrical and ions flow directly to other cells. At chemical synapses, presynaptic neurons are triggered by action potentials that release neurotransmitters.
These molecules bind to receptors on postsynaptic cells, making them less likely to release action potentials. In addition, synapses can save memory. Statistics show that over 130 brain diseases are associated with synaptic damage.
With age, Synapse It changes into an unusual pattern in some areas of the brain. This reaction can lead to a great deal of diverse arrangements in one’s middle age.
What is the Cellular Clock Theory of Aging?
Candela Lumen learning, The theory of cellular clock aging suggests that biological maturation is caused by the inability of healthy cells to divide indefinitely.
When young Senescent cells You can reduce the risk of serious illnesses such as cancer. But as the body ages, they increase the risk of such problems, National Institute for Aging Is called. Understanding why cell aging shifts from beneficial to harmful is still under investigation. But experts believe that the answer may lead to some important clues about the aging process.
Finally, Principal Investigator, Professor Seth Grant of the Center for Clinical Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, found that their findings helped us to understand how the brain is susceptible to diseases at different stages of life. I conclude that I believe in contributing. In addition, it helps to understand how brain cells change during the aging process.
Also read: Treatment of Parkinson’s disease: Brain cell therapy effectively treated mice with similar symptoms
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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