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Mom sues Devos Children’s Hospital over the need for a vaccine

Mom sues Devos Children’s Hospital over the need for a vaccine


A Michigan mother has sued the hospital for requesting her daughter to be vaccinated with COVID-19 before receiving a kidney transplant.

Jenna Kampau of Fennville hired a 17-year-old girl from Ukraine in 2021, according to her complaint filed Friday in the US District Court in the Western District of Michigan. The Detroit News reported..

This teen, identified as AC in court documents, is fighting chronic kidney disease with only one of two organs to filter blood while undergoing dialysis at the Devos Children’s Hospital.

However, doctors at Grand Rapids Hospital claim that teens must comply with pre-transplant requirements in order to receive new kidneys, including vaccination against COVID-19, influenza, and human papillomavirus.

Kampau and her husband, according to the filing, have a requirement to reject vaccines manufactured or studied using “fetal cell discontinuation, and genetic recombination or treatment involving a combination of human cells or DNA.” Claims to be in breach of rights protection.

A bioethicist working as a professor at Michigan State University School of Medicine told the newspaper that hospitals generally require transplant recipients to be vaccinated prior to surgery.

Alisa and Jenna Kampau.
Jenna Campau hired a 17-year-old girl from Ukraine in 2021.
Facebook / Jenna MacLearnsberry

“Patients have the right to take risks when it comes to making decisions about their health care,” Leonard Fleck said. “But some risks are too likely and too serious for doctors to work together to put the risk on the patient.”

According to Detroit News, researchers have developed Pfizer and modern vaccines using cultures derived from fetal cells from selective miscarriages in the 1970s and 1980s.

Johnson & Johnson vaccines were produced using these cultures, but none of the three COVID-19 vaccines have fetal cells. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services..

Alisa Kampau.
This teenager, identified as AC in court documents, is fighting chronic kidney disease.
We Patriot USA
Alternating current
AC is receiving regular kidney dialysis treatment.
Facebook / Jenna MacLearnsberry

Kampau also quoted the Old Testament book of Leviticus, stating that her family would not accept vaccines containing products from “dirty” animals because of their religious beliefs, the Detroit News reported.

The lawsuit alleged that a girl who had been treated in the hospital for nearly a year was given a pamphlet earlier this month citing “Recommended refusal of pediatric vaccination” as a reason why patients are not eligible for transplantation. There is. reported..

However, the pamphlet did not specify that COVID-19, influenza, and HPV vaccines were needed. According to, Mr. Kampau is asking the judge to declare that the hospital is illegal to provide a transplant.

Alisa and Jenna Kampau.
A doctor at Helendebos Children’s Hospital said AC must comply with pre-transplant requirements in order to receive a new kidney.
Facebook / Jenna MacLearnsberry
Helendebo Children's Hospital.
Hospital staff threatened to call child welfare authorities about the family’s refusal to vaccinate teens.
Helendebo Children’s Hospital

The United Network for Organ Sharing, which operates a waiting list under a federal contract, has no vaccine requirements. The hospital will make those decisions instead, Kampau’s proceedings claim.

“These policies effectively require plaintiffs to violate her religious beliefs or refuse medical care that saves her daughter’s life,” Filing said.

According to The Detroit News, Kampau is worried that her daughter will soon be 18 years old and will be removed from the pediatric transplant list before the problem is resolved.

Kampau family.
Campau claims that vaccine requirements violate civil rights protection because it rejects vaccines manufactured or studied using “aborted fetal cells.”
Facebook / Jenna MacLearnsberry

Kampau said at a press conference on Monday that hospital staff threatened to call child welfare authorities about the family’s refusal to vaccinate teens.

Hospital officials declined to comment because of privacy concerns.

“At Spectrum Health, patient health and safety are paramount concerns,” the Western Michigan-based healthcare network told The Detroit News in a statement.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, the average waiting time for a kidney transplant in the United States is about three and a half years.




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