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Need to get a second COVID booster right now, or do you have to wait for an updated shot?

Need to get a second COVID booster right now, or do you have to wait for an updated shot?


COVID-19 infections continue to make people all over the United States sick. New Omicron subvariant Being able to escape the immune system is predominant. Experts are worried that as people grow older, their current vaccines will have less protection against Omicron infections and hospitalizations.Therefore, recommendations for people to get boosterhot.

Existing boosters have already proven to be effective.they Significant reduction Severe illness From the original Omicron variant BA.1., Swept the country last winter. According to data shared by the Independent Committee on June 28, they are currently supporting the severity of the dull illness seen in the new subvariants BA.4 and BA.5. meeting Of the US Food and Drug Administration.

With that discovery, the Commission voted in favor of including a vaccine component that protects against Omicron variants in the latest booster shots being developed for the fall.Following the Commission’s recommendations, the FDA is now Official advice Vaccine manufacturers with updated booster shots should specifically include components for BA.4 and BA.5. This is due to Peter Marks, Director of the FDA’s Center for Biopharmaceutical Evaluation and Research. ((((This is why we need to worry Subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.).

Sure, it’s confusing when new recommendations are announced every few months, because scientists are learning about viruses in real time as new discoveries are announced. “They are basically always trying to catch up with something that is always in motion,” he says. Kawsar TalaatJohns Hopkins Bloomberg, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public Health.

So what does this mean to protect yourself from a serious COVID-19 infection now? Need a second booster shot? Should you wait for a new booster in the fall? What if a new variant occurs before that? This is what top experts say you need to know.

Who can get the second booster shot?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has started recommendation In March 2022, people over the age of 50 will get a second mRNA booster shot (Pfizer or Moderna) if the previous booster was given at least 4 months ago. The goal was to provide additional protection as older people tend to have a faster decline in antibody levels and are more likely to be hospitalized for serious illness or COVID-19 after vaccination.

The CDC also recommended a second booster for people over the age of 12 with certain conditions that impair the functioning of the immune system.That group include Organ transplant recipients, patients with untreated or advanced HIV, patients treated for blood cancer, patients with certain immunodeficiency disorders, or patients taking immunosuppressive drugs such as steroids.

For ages 50 and older, the second boost is the fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose overall. For people with weakened immunity, the second boost is the fifth dose, as the main series of people with weakened immunity is currently three doses.

The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine is the only non-mRNA shot approved in the United States.People who took that single dose shot and got a J & J booster at least 4 months ago Also advice To get mRNA booster..

Is there a limit to why I need to get a booster?

The CDC will place people who consider it eligible for a second booster shot, but experts suggest that age and medical guidelines may be flexible. Some people who meet the criteria may decide that they don’t need a second booster yet, while others may not be technically included in the recommendations.

“If you have a serious underlying disorder such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, that’s part of the call for judgment,” he said. William Schaffner, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee. According to Schaffner, people under the age of 50 in this condition are advised to consult their doctor about whether it is wise to go ahead and take additional boosters. The same is true for people who are working or may live in situations where they are at high risk of exposure.

Moreover, not all experts agree that boosters are needed when people exceed the somewhat arbitrary threshold of 50 years.

“I don’t think this kind of comprehensive concept for anyone over the age of 50 to get this vaccine makes sense,” he says. Paul OfitProfessor of Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases Department, Philadelphia Children’s Hospital, and one of two FDA advisory board members who opposed the inclusion of Omicron components in fall boosters.

According to Ofit, the low activity of the immune system makes it more reasonable for people over the age of 70 because they are not good at preventing mild infections from progressing to moderate or severe infections. But at the age of 71, Offit only won the first booster. In addition to the fact that he had a recent natural COVID-19 infection, antibody levels drop very rapidly after receiving additional booster immunity, so as much as possible with one booster shot. I feel that I can get the defense of.

Adults over the age of 50 who have had Omicron infection in the last 6 months are already More immunity Based on the data released at the Commission meeting on June 28, it is due to infection rather than from another booster shot.

Should I try to get a booster now or wait for the fall?

In contrast, Johns Hopkins Talat tells you to get a booster now if you qualify. “Don’t wait for a better vaccine, as it will leave you vulnerable,” says Talat. “Get a currently eligible booster, and you’ll have the opportunity to get another booster that may offer a wide range of protection in the fall.”

However, Talaat says you don’t have to jump the gun if you have an updated booster if you’re not at high risk because of your age or medical condition. Scheduled for October.. “Under the age of 50, there are no risk factors for severe illness, healthy people, and not moderate or severe immunodeficiency. [first] Booster, I’ll wait, “says Talat.

Another reason to wait is that your risk of actual exposure may increase in the fall, Offit says. Autumn means the beginning of school and people spending more time indoors, both increasing the risk of exposure and infection. The boost we get from another dose is instantaneous — it starts to fade within a month or two — so it’s better to get it when we need it most, he says.

However, a long-standing concern is that it is premature to say how effective an updated booster is, regardless of the version of the virus that is prevalent at the time.

Boosters containing the Omicron BA.1 component showed a 1.75-fold increase in antibodies capable of neutralizing BA.1. However, BA.1 is no longer in circulation in the United States, and data shared with the FDA show that these omicron-containing boosters made little difference to BA.4 and BA.5 infections. rice field.

So is there a variant proof booster? Or do you need an annual shot?

According to Talaat, the virus is evolving so rapidly that it is currently not possible to develop a “variant proof” booster. Instead, most experts, including Talaat and Schaffner, expect the COVID-19 booster to eventually turn into an annual vaccination, like a flu shot.

“We recommend updating the vaccine every year and recommending that everyone be vaccinated against the flu every year. It’s not perfect, but it offers the best possible precautions,” Schaffner said. say.He is a scientist Combined vaccine Annual influenza vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine takes at least a year to become a reality.

For those who have weakened immunity and have the most reasons to worry, Talat reminded people of the following: Evusheld— Monoclonal antibody drugs used to prevent COVID-19 — More widely available Currently, it is a good option for those who are concerned, admitting that vaccination may not provide sufficient protection.

Does the second booster mitigate the risk of long COVID?

A recent series of studies have shown conflicting results on how much or not the current vaccine protects against long COVIDs.Part of the reason confusion Lack of consensus on a clear definition of the phenomenon.

Some studies Vaccines have shown to significantly reduce the risk of long COVID, while other vaccines show more. Modest impact.. It will be difficult to get a definitive answer until the researchers agree on the long, clear criteria for COVID. However, even if it is not possible to quantify the effect, experts say that vaccination is likely to provide some protection.

“It’s not surprising that if you have a serious illness, you’re more likely to develop a longer COVID than if you don’t have a serious illness,” Offit says. “If you’re fully vaccinated, you’re much less likely to get a serious illness, so I think it’s much less likely that your COVID will be longer.”




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