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Coronavirus-all symptoms you should know, such as delirium and abdominal pain



Virus Patients Share More Symptoms Than Health Sites Advise (Photo: Shutterstock)

More people are being attacked by the coronavirus and they say they are experiencing more symptoms than the health sites advise.

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Currently, the four Covid-19 symptoms listed are high temperature, new persistent cough, loss of odor, and loss of taste.

Lists vary widely around the world, leading to expert criticism of “dangerous” advice.

For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added runny nose, congestion, nausea, and diarrhea to the recognized symptoms of Covid-19.

However, many other symptoms have been identified by Covid-19 patients, such as fatigue and extreme tiredness, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, loss of appetite, cough, and dryness, heat and body temperature.

Uncommon signs reported by infected individuals include lesions on the legs, pain in the testicles, and a strange sensation of “growing” or “swelling” on the skin.

Others have reported feeling fatigued or increased levels of “brain fog” shortly before being diagnosed.

Here is a summary of all the coronavirus symptoms you should know.

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1. a headache or confusion

Many coronavirus patients have complained of neurological symptoms (Photo: Shutterstock)

Experts say that many coronavirus patients admitted to hospitals complain of neurological symptoms such as headaches, confusion, seizures, and strokes.

Delirium usually affects patients who need ventilatory support and is caused by an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body.

Neurologist Dr Kevin Conner will experience some delirium in the majority of patients (80%) in the intensive care unit.

Worryingly, delirium can cause long-term brain damage, experts say, but patients who experience it are less likely to survive.

Delirium is a well-known side effect of coronavirus, but some experts believe that its treatment is poorly controlled.

2. Need more toilet

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A mild symptom of coronavirus reported to be more regular is the need to go to the bathroom more often.

Dr. Dianagar explains to Express:

“But diarrhea has been reported as an early symptom in patients who later tested positive for Covid-19.”

A new study, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, analyzed data from 204 Covid-19 patients in Hubei, China, and found that nearly 50% had diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

3. Testicular pain

Some coronavirus patients experience pain in the testicles (Photo: Shutterstock)

A less common symptom of coronavirus is testicular pain.

Researchers at the Harvard Medical School filed a case report of a 42-year-old man who was virus-positive after going to the hospital with a “stinging pain” in his testicles.

The doctor could find nothing wrong with his testicles, but a CT scan showed damage to his lungs.

Two days later, the man was diagnosed with Covid-19.

4. Noisy feeling

One of the stranger symptoms is the sensation of a grunt running through the body.

Although it is not listed as an official symptom to note, many people post online about experiencing the feeling of “fizzling.”

Recognized as the founder of the #MeToo movement, Tarana Bourke said her partner had the illness and sensation of “feeling the skin was burning”.

Twitter user @Miafia said, “My skin has an electrical feel.”

Dr. Daniel Griffin, who is responsible for infectious diseases at ProHealth Care Associates in the US, suggests that this sensation may be part of the patient’s autoimmune response to the nervous system.

“It’s been clearly identified, but I’m still not sure how widespread it is,” he told the New York Post.

5. Anorexia

Anorexia is another possible symptom (Photo: Shutterstock)

People who have caught the coronavirus complain that they lose their appetite.

While some people may be a little more intrigued than usual, racing bloggers Steven Power and others are totally unwilling to eat.

While at the Cheltenham Festival, he believes he had this disease.

A Northwest London man said: “I slept for about four days with an unpleasant fever, headache, mild cough, and back pain, but I’m completely exhausted and have no urge to move or eat.”

6. Foot lesions

Spanish health professionals are currently investigating whether people with the virus can be identified by small lesions in their feet.

Last month, the Spanish Council of Public Podiatrists issued a statement revealing the foot lesions in several patients with coronavirus.

The statement said: “They are purple lesions that usually appear on the toes and usually heal without leaving a mark (very similar to those of chickenpox, measles, bruise).”

Dermatologists and podiatrists added that it was a “strange finding” that was also observed in “many” Covid-19 patients in Italy, France, and Spain.

Lesions were more common in young people (including teenagers and children) infected with the virus, although lesions were also found in some adults.

7. I have a stomachache

Tummy pain is also often reported as a symptom (Photo: Shutterstock)

As with anorexia, a stomach ache can easily be overlooked as a sign of something more innocuous.

However, a new study published by the American Journal of Gastroenterology has linked tummy problems to Covid-19.

They found that 48.5% of 204 people infected with coronaviruses in Hubei, China have gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea that can cause stomach pain,

8. Dry cough

Probably the most recognizable symptom of Covid-19 given that it sounds differently than a typical cough.

Cough is generally new-or generally different if there is a smoker’s cough-persistent.

Often lasts at least half a day or longer.

9. Sore throat

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its symptom list to add sore throat.

However, this symptom is very rare. “Today, we estimate that sore throat occurs in about 10% of coronavirus cases,” Dr. Michael Lerner, a larynologist at Yale University, told

10. High temperature

High temperature is a common symptom (Photo: Shutterstock)

Like a dry cough, high temperatures are what the NHS and other health agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) say are common symptoms.

According to the NHS, this means feeling hot when you touch your chest or back (no need to measure body temperature).

11. Loss of taste and smell

Official UK guidelines have been recently updated to include loss of taste and odor as symptoms of coronavirus.

NHS description: “You lose or change your sense of smell or taste. This means you have noticed that you can’t smell or taste anything, or you may have an unusual smell or taste. .”

12. Mental fatigue or “brain fog”

Although not officially chalked as a symptom, Covid-19 patients report experiencing mental fatigue.

Shia Jordan said in an email he first thought he might have been infected when he had a throat tickling and headache.

Later, three mothers began to experience brain fog.

A woman from Hampshire told the publication, “At first, I was exhausted as if I had to drag a sugar coating onto my body and go to bed. I had no meaningful cough and no fever.” It was

“But there was the unique feeling that something settled deep inside the lungs, like inhaling talcum powder.”

Others also report struggling to hold thoughts and remember things all day long.

13. It is difficult to hold my breath

Chest tightness is most common among young people (Photo: Shutterstock)

If your chest is tight or you cannot hold your breath, you may have a coronavirus.

Most youth or those without existing health conditions rarely experience this condition.

Dyspnea-a term used when someone has difficulty breathing-It can be accompanied by chest tightness, rapid breathing, and heart palpitations.

14. My eyes hurt

The best way to describe the burning eye sensation is to compare itching and irritation you might face if you suffer from hay fever and other allergies.

This type of itch and irritation occurs in smog, smoke, dust, mold and even among animals.

The only difference between these cases and those described by patients with coronavirus is the fact that the virus causes this symptom and is not an external factor like pets.

15. Chills and shaking

Chills are the symptoms that patients complain about, but they are very rare.

A study based on 55,924 cases in China from the day the virus was first discovered to February 22 reported that 11.4% of patients with coronavirus felt chills.

16. Muscle and body pain

CDC updated its guidelines this week to include muscle and body pain in the list of Covid-19 symptoms.

Researchers at New York University analyzed 53 patients in Wenzhou, China, and found an association between myalgia and severe cases of Covid-19.

Research-led infectious disease expert Megan Coffee said deep muscle soreness, known as muscle soreness, was often seen in patients.

But Professor Coffee said he would ask patients about shortness of breath before other less serious symptoms such as body pain.


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