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COVID-19 spreads along interstate highways according to new research


New arrival COVID-19 Case Forecast What was released by the PolicyLab at the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital (CHOP) suggests that the new coronavirus is spreading along the US interstate highway. Researchers found that in the next four weeks in the United States, most of the United States statement It was released yesterday.

“Travel is certainly a big driver,” the researchers write Blog post.. “We find it to spread along the I-80 between central Illinois and Iowa, and along the I-90 corridor in northern New York.” It points to an increase in incidents along the I-95 corridor, including in metropolitan areas and some of the counties in Colorado.

CHOP’s PolicyLab team concludes that interstate travel is creating new risks in areas that have successfully flattened the new coronavirus curve. “We need to admit that we are losing battles nationwide to contain this dangerous virus. It involves communities in the northeast and midwest, reducing cases and making relatively normal lives. Back to the community.” said Dr. David Rubin, MD, MSCE, Director of PolicyLab at CHOP and Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

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“During the heavy travel season, the lack of a strong national response, including a national masking mandate, has made our economy viable and our school run exhausted and depleted of available medical resources. “To take care of the sick, we will continue to threaten our ability to resume in the fall,” Rubin said. “What is even more worrisome is the immediate addition of the 4th of July trip to this difficult situation. Vacationers were relatively sick less active, even during their Memorial Day vacation, but now Visits the exact opposite place.”

PolicyLab, a CHOP model that provides 4-week COVID-19 case predictions across more than 500 counties, shows that many communities, which have been quiet for some time, are at increased risk of virus recurrence. Perhaps not surprisingly, concerns are also rising in states adjacent to the ones where the spread of the community is widespread. For example, Arizona is the most prevalent country in the United States, but neighboring New Mexico states that “the first signs of an outbreak in the southwest are beginning to threaten the community.”

Unfortunately, the team said the counties in the state where COVID-19 surges (Arizona, Texas, Florida) have experienced spikes in recent weeks despite new masking recommendations and restrictions. We predict that it will not be possible to flatten quickly. Bars and restaurants. Assuming no additional mitigation measures have been taken, projections suggest widespread community transmission by late July. For example, modeling data for Maricopa County, Arizona predicts 7,600 cases per day by July 25.

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“The collective response of our country has failed,” the researchers wrote. “Areas that are wary of distance and personal protection are beginning to question how well they can succeed if their neighboring states aren’t following. For example, South Carolina and Florida are lagging behind. If so, can North Carolina continue to mitigate the infection?”

To slow the spread of COVID-19, one of the five states requires travelers arriving from high-risk states to be self-quarantined for two weeks. However, states vary in how aggressively orders are executed.

Recently, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut Expanded the list of states in that three-state travel advisory. Visitors from the 16 affected states are required to self-quarantine when arriving in the area. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said violators should be subjected to severe fines, while New Jersey and Connecticut governors prefer a softer response.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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