WHO publishes updated global strategy for vaccination against COVID-19 to reach the vulnerable
- Global uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine is the largest and fastest in history, but many of those most at risk remain unprotected – only 28% of older people and 37% of health workers in low-income countries have received their primary round of vaccines and most have not received vaccination.
- Healthcare workers, over 60 years of age and other risk groups must be reached as priorities on the way to achieving the 70% coverage goal.
- The updated WHO strategy raises targets to vaccinate 100% of health care workers and 100% of the most at-risk populations with primary and booster vaccinations, with the aim of reducing mortality, keeping societies open and ensuring the economy functions as transmission continues.
- Although vaccines have saved countless lives, they have not significantly reduced the spread of COVID-19. Innovation is needed to develop new vaccines that significantly reduce transmission, are easier to administer, and provide broader and longer-lasting protection.
WHO has released an update Global vaccination strategy against COVID-19 today, in response to the spread of Omicron subvariants, advances in vaccine evidence, and lessons from the global vaccination program.
It is estimated that in the first year of the introduction of the vaccine against COVID-19, they saved 19.8 million lives. With an incredibly large and rapid worldwide rollout, over 12 billion doses have been administered globally, in almost every country in the world, resulting in countries reaching an average of 60% of their population.
However, only 28% of the elderly population and 37% of health workers in low-income countries are vaccinated with their primary series. 27 WHO member states have not yet started a booster or booster dose program, of which 11 are low-income countries.
The strategy aims to use primary and secondary vaccination to reduce death and serious illness, to protect health systems, societies and economies. On the way to the 70% vaccination target, countries should prioritize achieving the core targets of vaccinating 100% of healthcare workers and 100% of the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly (over 60 years) and those who are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions.
“Even where vaccination coverage is at 70 percent, if significant numbers of healthcare workers, the elderly and other at-risk groups remain unvaccinated, deaths will continue, health systems will remain under pressure, and the global recovery will be at risk,” he said. WHO. Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Vaccinating all those most at risk is the single best way to save lives, protect health systems and keep societies and economies open.”
To ensure that vaccines reach the highest priority groups, the strategy emphasizes the need to measure progress in vaccinating these groups and develop targeted approaches to reach them. Approaches include using local data and engaging communities to sustain vaccine demand, building adult vaccination systems, and reaching more displaced people through the humanitarian response.
The strategy also aims to accelerate the development and ensure equitable access to improved vaccines to significantly reduce transmission as a top priority, but also to achieve durable, broadly protective immunity.
Current vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness and death, and they have succeeded, saving millions of lives. However, they did not significantly reduce transmission. As the virus continues to circulate widely, new and dangerous variants are emerging, including some that reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. It is crucial to continue to invest in research and development to make vaccines more effective and easier to administer, such as nasal spray products.
Other vital actions to be taken include: equitable distribution of manufacturing facilities across regions and support for robust vaccine delivery programs. WHO will continue to work with COVAX partners and the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) to support countries in roll-outs, such as bundling COVID-19 vaccination with other health interventions.
Note to editors:
The Global Vaccination Strategy for COVID-19 in a Changing World: July 2022 Update can be read in full here.
Sources 2/ https://www.who.int/news/item/22-07-2022-who-releases-global-covid-19-vaccination-strategy-update-to-reach-unprotected The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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