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Sensorimotor training: Could the answer to back pain lie in reprogramming the brain?

Sensorimotor training: Could the answer to back pain lie in reprogramming the brain?


name: Chronic back pain.

Year: Ancient, perhaps. The hunter-gatherers who ate berries and slept on cave floors must have suffered.

Therapy: Brain system maybe?

this should not be part “Pain is psychosomaticNonsense. I’m sorry, what did you just say? I can’t hear you there

Hold on, sit down. Woof. Oh. Oh, are you one in six adults in the UK with back pain? You might be interested in this: New Australian Studies suggests that brain training can bring real relief to patients.

It takes a brave scientist to suggest that back pain is all in the mind. they didn’t say that. However, (some) drugs do not work, so new strategies must be sought. A study reported in May He argued that two anti-inflammatory drugs commonly prescribed for back pain, diclofenac and dexamethasone, could prolong the problem, possibly by interfering with the body’s natural healing processes.

They must fight me for my Voltarol. It’s walking like a wounded crab, so I don’t think it’s that hard. But the real point is that retraining the way the brain and body communicate with each other appears to bring real relief to chronic patients.

how does that work? The theory is that the brain’s body map is “dirty,” meaning that the patient’s pain system becomes hypersensitive. Place people with long-term back pain through a retraining program.

What now? They began by using exercises such as showing participants a picture and asking them to identify if the person in it was turning left or right. , activates the same neural pathways as real movement. Then I moved on to exercises like lunges and squats.

And did it work? Hooray! Those who participated in the sensorimotor program reported an average reduction in pain from 5.6 to 3.1 on a scale of 0 to 10. And these effects appear to be long-lasting,” said Professor James McCauley of the University of New South Wales.

How robust is this research? Although it was a small trial with 276 participants, it was a randomized control group, so the control group received “sham” treatments such as lasers.

laser! they sound cool. they don’t work. However, reported pain in the control group decreased slightly from 5.8 to 4.0. Of course, the placebo effect is just evidence of how mysterious the brain-body connection is.

please tell me: “The miracle of brain plasticity means you can train yourself not to feel back pain.”

don’t say: “So soon I will fight properly to stand up to those who say it’s all in their heads.”




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