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Your blood type may predict your risk of stroke before age 60

Your blood type may predict your risk of stroke before age 60


  • A new study shows that blood type is linked to stroke risk before age 60.
  • Studies have shown that people with type A blood are more likely to have a stroke by age 60 than people with type O blood.
  • This research may lead to potential new ways to prevent stroke in young adults.

your blood type It can tell you a lot more about your health than you think.New research published in the journal neurology It suggests that certain blood types are associated with high or low risk. stroke Researchers at the University of Maryland press release This groundbreaking study could lead to potential new ways to prevent stroke in young adults.

The researchers conducted the study by performing a meta-analysis of 48 studies on genetics and ischemic stroke, including 17,000 stroke patients and about 600,000 who had never had a stroke, according to a press release. did. The researchers then looked at all the genetic data collected from the participants to identify genetic variants associated with stroke, and identified early-onset stroke (occurring before age 60) and those with blood type A, We found an association with genes that determine whether it is AB or B. or O.

The study found that people who had an early stroke were more likely to have type A blood than people who had a late stroke or never had a stroke, and type O (the most common blood type). ) was found to be less likely.It was also found that blood type B was more likely in both early and late stages of stroke.

After the researchers adjusted for gender, they found that those with blood type A had a 16% higher risk of early stroke than those with other blood types. They had a 12% lower risk of stroke than those with blood type.

“In our meta-analysis, we investigated the genetic profiles of people and found an association between blood type and early-onset stroke risk. It was weak,” said the study’s co-principal investigator. Braxton D. Mitchell, PhD, MPH., Professor of Medicine at UMSOM in a press release.

According to a release from the University of Maryland, the team of researchers concluded that the increased risk was very modest and that people with blood type A could be worried about early-onset stroke or receive additional screening or medical care based on this. I emphasized that you should not engage in inspections or discoveries. But this is another reason to take care of your health.

It is not yet known why blood type A poses a higher risk, but it may be related to blood clotting factors such as platelets, cells lining blood vessels, and other circulating proteins.role in thrombus development,” said the study’s co-principal investigators. Stephen J. Kitner, MD, MPHProfessor of Neurology at UMSOM in a press release.

This study has its own set of limitations, most importantly the lack of diversity among participants. “Further follow-up studies are clearly needed to clarify the mechanisms of increased stroke risk,” Dr. Kittner said in a release.

“Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and the leading cause of disability in the United States, but the second leading cause of death worldwide.” Sandra Narayanan, MD, board-certified vascular neurologist and neurointerventional surgeon at the Pacific Stroke and Neurovascular Center at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica. She adds that more than 50% of stroke survivors over the age of 65 have reduced mobility, which can lead to poor quality of life.

How can I prevent stroke?

Fortunately, there are many strategies to prevent a first cerebrovascular event and reduce the risk of recurrent strokes and TIAs (transient ischemic attacks or “mini-strokes”). According to Dr. Narayanan, these lifestyle changes can prevent up to 80% of strokes.

  • quit smoking;
  • If you have high blood pressure, keep a blood pressure monitor at home and check it every day. Write these down and bring the log with you to your doctor’s appointment. Target blood pressure <140/90 mm Hg (<130/80 mm Hg for diabetics).
  • eat one mediterranean diet Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts.
  • Exercise can take any form. At first he doesn’t mind 10 minutes a day.
  • know you cholesterolIf you have already had a stroke or TIA, try to keep your low density lipoprotein (LDL) below 70 mg/dL. It’s important to know your numbers and partner with the right healthcare providers (PCP, neurologist, cardiologist) for regular follow-up, medication adjustments, and lab work.
  • Consistency is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle intervention. Start early. Her 10-15% of strokes occur in adults under her 50s.


The study adds to our knowledge of genetic and other persistent risk factors for diseases related to the brain and blood vessels, says Dr. Narayanan. “As shown above, healthy lifestyle interventions can accomplish many things to prevent the development or progression of cerebrovascular disease. Not only can this be a positive impetus for lifestyle changes, but it can also start a conversation about medications and other strategies to reduce arterial or venous thrombosis. ”

Concurring with the team of researchers in this study, Dr. Narayanan said further studies in more diverse populations are needed to clarify these findings and the mechanisms underlying stroke risk differences among specific blood groups. But this is the start!

Madeleine, preventionShe has a history of writing about health, coming from her experience as an editorial assistant at WebMD and her personal research at university. She graduated from the University of Michigan with degrees in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience. preventionsocial media platform.




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